(61 replies, posted in Editor)

If you want changes to the editor e.g more user friendly interface or behaviour ideas please let us know.


(24 replies, posted in Engine)

Ok seeing as I have seen people requesting features being placed all over the place I will see if I can get this forum organised.

Here you will put what you think will make the engine better but please do not put editor requests or bug reports her as this is not for that. We look forward to hearing from you.

Btw me and Anael will be answering anything that might happen some that seem far fetched will be answered in due time. Graphics improvements will be usually answered by me, anything else will usually be answered by Anael or me if I know how to add it.


(1 replies, posted in Engine)

We will as for renderers I'm improving upon the OpenGL code and am writing DirectX Renderers 9,10 & 11 for it I hope to include some terrain rendering as well for all four. Make some improvements to the editor and what not I'll see what I can do about the rest since Anael has his hands full with the Iphone publishing and various fixes.


(4 replies, posted in External Tools)

Ok I'm gonna come right out and say it that I am writing one for 3DS Max, Maya and XSI. But it takes a lot of time especially debugging it all.


(1 replies, posted in General)

Anael brought up this problem before with me, and gave me a whole LOAD of things that are going to be fixed and need to be fixed. I'm a graphics and publishing programmer, at the moment the tool is in beta but please remember that Mac OS-X support was not brought in until 3.0 so if you keep reporting problems I'll push them through to make sure Anael or one of the contributors does something about it.