(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

do you mind if i ask you what kind of post processing / shaders have you used here  ?


(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

nice work sponk , keep it up smile


(7 replies, posted in Gossip)

yeah c++ code documentation is a must i try to read the code and understand it all the time but always get into some kind of trouble neutral if the code documentation is completed i may be able to fiddle around it a little more and understand it Someday big_smile
i would  have offered my help for c++ code documentation but i don't understand it  that much sad  .

About Open Game Project thingy -> yeah that would be cool that could interest more people out there As soon as i understand the C++ code and add more to it (Something usefull) . i can do a small project that will open sourced so people can add in or someone else can start it and i can surely give some help smile.


(7 replies, posted in Gossip)

So just wanted to ask what Kind of features are planned/will be exectued someday for maratis (probably this year) .
Edit :- corrected my  stupid english


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Yeah a better captcha system might work to lay off some Bots and Help us out a little but as gm said Spam cannot be stopped !


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Spam just crushes my excitement that something good was posted on the forums -.-

gamemaker wrote:
Crucio777 wrote:

Hmm how about img tag to display the image hosted from another website ? will that be a issue too ?
About the spam yeah too much spam here . only thing people can do is delete it

IMG tag is already in action on these forums, and if you click 'images' near top , right corner of website as you are posting, it shows: PunBB bbcode test , as an example of it's use.

You just find a place to upload your image [ I like skydrive, its so easy to use and lots of space] ( hopefully one that won't sell your info , unlike google! as we now know , which is why Im using Hotmail atm at least ) and reference it in the <img> quotes as above.


oh yeah never saw that that nice they have it never knew about it
Thank you for the Info gamemaker.

Hmm how about img tag to display the image hosted from another website ? will that be a issue too ?
About the spam yeah too much spam here . only thing people can do is delete it

Something like this would come handy I second this !


(61 replies, posted in Editor)

damvcoool wrote:

Is it possible to have the Editor to arrange the objects (entities) in hierarchy, hopefully the mockup screenshot i made makes clear what i would like to see.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/04imx8rfz7abt … enshot.jpg

So basically allowing the pareting option that currently exist on the Editor, to be more visual. but also allowing the user (like me) to expand and collapse objects to not have super cluttered object list.

you should really do this will be really Usefull XD


(2 replies, posted in Gossip)

welcome paranoidweazle
Have a great time here smile


(1 replies, posted in General)

So i am learning Glsl these days  to use in maratis  i am fairly new to shaderds (and opengl) i just cannot understand how to link the object and the shader i cannot find it from where and how to link the shader to the object .

Any help will be appreciated smile


(3 replies, posted in General)

Why not experiment yourself? get a free animation from blendeswap export it to maratis , and do the box thingy ? why not try it out.
Not to sound rude i cannot understand the question but i get the gist so i am not gonna reply if its possible Somebody else can help you out but i would say try it yourself not that hard , and if you fail post here we will help you out big_smile


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Welcome here and hope you have a great time


(10 replies, posted in News)

Cool nice update big_smile when will 3.3 come out


(1 replies, posted in Bug report)

okay so i tried to export an animated sintel and other characters from blender to maratis and  blender crashes on the export menu ,  there are two files exported though .maa file and .mesh file
.maa file is 0 kb and when ever i add .mesh file as an entity  nothing shows up there (so i am guessing it never exported properly) If i export only the mesh file and not tick export armature Anim it exports properly and the file is properly loaded in maratis  but of course i need animations

My steps
1 add all the animations in general tab of maratis
2 select both the rig and mesh in object mode
3 selcect export-> maratis
4 Deselect both other  options except the  export armature Anim
5 Export.

and.... blender crashes
i have tried bunch of files this is one of them Sintel lite from blendswap

i use blender 2.65 and the exporter for 2.63+
Hope for support
Thank you for reading


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

drivers and constraints is it okay if we use them? i am sorry i really didnt understand what you said for ik, its used a lot in rigging ,so will ik rigs be fine for maratis 3d  ? thank you though i understood a little what i need to do
ill look into this more
please answer the above two questions,  thank you!


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

What would be an ideal rig for maratis 3d , i just learned that cookie flex rig cannot be used for game engines that got me thinking that even rigs have to be designed to match game engines (before i only thought i had to take care of poly and now this)
Anyway i have also heard morphs (i dont even know what morphs are )doesn't work for unity , So recently i have started learn rigging (got this dvd from blender foundation humane rigging quite good!) and then i will eventually learn animation , before animation i would like to design best rigs possible for game engines and especially maratis because i plan to use it for my game this year

Long story short :
So What will be the "Best" rig for Maratis ? any bone limitations for 1 rig Any info on this will be appreciated
Thank you for reading


(3 replies, posted in General)

i dont know man the blend file seems to be good  have you exported the same way as shown in the wiki? ill need the source or some more information  on this

Btw ill advice you to post your blend files and images here and just share the link with us this is better free site out there http://www.pasteall.org/


(10 replies, posted in General)

anael wrote:

- or you need to compile 3rdparty/bullet/ as a lib and use it.

how would i go about doing that sorry i am still kinda new to compiling stuff
and about workflow i am probably going to stick with whatever i like after experimenting !


(10 replies, posted in General)

when i think of it again i might use the plugin workflow but i need something like manual use for experimenting my code most probably


(10 replies, posted in General)

i dont know .. i will have to use lua in some places and i really couldn't do that mbehavior stuff properly (i probably suck at it ) is there  any solution for the bullet.lib  problem ?


(10 replies, posted in General)

i have the lates svn and i have already built it too i am using the manual use from the svn smile


(10 replies, posted in General)

So as i dont want to use lua for game dev and use c++ with maratis engine i was taking  a look in the manual use as i dont want to compile it againwith scons i converted the vs2005 to vs2010 proj and now when i debug it  gives me an error
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'bullet.lib'

So where can i get a lib for bullet ? there is none as i searched

Another question i have is what will be the best workflow to use maratis with c++ (except the plugin system )
Edited:-Edited my stupid grammar


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

yeah i gave up ogre 3d a long time ago