Im trying to figure out how to add more polish to the 3rd person demo I posted (one with the soldier in St. Petersburg.) I can get nice ambient occlusion, but when it comes to texturing I too am almost at the giving up point. My main issue with texturing is that it is easy to get lost in Blender. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't, and all because of some remote button you have to do 1,000 forum searches and 300 video tutorial searches to find out about.
I did get a good example in my "Blender Work" post. It is textured, but not accurately. I just applied a repeating texture. I guess the UV unwrapping thing is what is still a mystery to me. I could paint directly on the model (In blender that gets a little confusing as well) in Sculptris, but it is not ideal for large scale models like buildings. I tried to do it in Sketchup, but when modifying the materials sketch up imports into Blender, things get confusing again.
I think my issues are mainly because Blender's UI is so illogical. And just the way most things are set up are illogical. You find yourself hopping to and fro to do simple tasks. So I am using six different programs to do my game, and the data is spread across them (makes things a bit more tedious).
I know I can get a game with polish done in marts (the FunLand Demo is the best proof I have so far) but fighting with Blender is getting annoying. Blender is so capable, but they need to fix the UI and the layout of the operations.