Faut s'qui faut
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Maratis forum » Posts by Vegas
Faut s'qui faut
Merci !
En francais deso, ca fait 30 min que jessaye d'ecrire trois foutue phrases en
anglais et le resultat est incompréhensible (meme par moi ..)
En fait plus l'objet est petit moins il reagit a addcentralforce
Par exemple, un simple cube avec 1.00 de masse et addcentralforce 1, 0 ,0
et Scale a 1.00 bouge tout a fait normalement,
mais si je diminue le scale a 0.10 il ne bougera plu dutout
Note que ca me fait le meme truc avec translate
J'ai remarqué ca quand j'ai fait ma scene de simulation d'espace,
Pour faire tenir la "player box" dans les airs je lui mets une masse de 0.01
(La quand je lance le jeu il tombe, logique) et ensuite en script
je lui ajoute pile la difference en addcentralforce (Z) pour qu'il tienne en apesanteur
Ca fonctionne bien, mais si je change sa taille, elle ne tient plu et
je dois chercher a nouveau la bonne dose de addcentralforce
Maybe its not a bug,
but i noticed when you scale an object, the translate / addforce doesn't stay the same (in game),
the object is moving slower/faster depending if he's smaller/bigger
Thanks all for your comments
For now i prefer not asking for help, cause i'm learning alot of new things everyday by searching/trying
things on my own, but at some point i might ask
I'm making giant steps on the vertical shooter for now, will release it as example as soon it is more complete
Next step will be the platformer, making some traps/mechanisms (well, platformer stuff ),
replacing all current objects and give him a "HD" look before i put it online too
@Anael, the thing i miss for now is a shadeless custom shader but there's no hurry,
as it will only have a very small visual impact
(note, by error one time i got a perfect shadeless object when i applied
a bad normal map on a model but i cant reproduce it ><)
By the way Arclord how's going your FPS project ?
I made a mistake and found a cool effect with only two scrolling planes,
one plane is scrolling up while the other is scrolling down, result is it looks a bit like plasma/water
Project : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati Plasma.rar
Another thing that would be nice,
Mark the objects who are linked together (with a green line or small icon or something)
As it's hard to remember what is linked to what when using a lot of objects
Here's some projects i was experimenting , unfortunately recently i lost ~200Go of various data, including most of maratis projects (tip of the day: never thrust backup programs that uses a proprietary format)
So i have only a few things left to show.
Also from now on, i dropped 3D stuff and went to 2D.
It might be foolish to use a 3D engine for 2D games but it works, so.. it's ok. More info about this a bit later
I start to really love putting everything at 0 emit and use only maratis lights, this example was cleaned
as much as possible to keep a small file size but on some other test scenes,
i got some awesome results
I'm currently working on 4 differents projects, gonna send some screens in the next days, and then videos,
once enough game mechanics, GUI and assets are done
Heres an example on how to shoot a bullet with only translate
NOTE : Lookat Behavior is used, to make the zombie walk toward the player
- Z,Q,S,D Keys to move
- Left Click to shoot
- When hit count is 10, door open/close (indeed, its completely useless)
The example have sounds (Ambiant, gun shot, zombie hit) except for the door
I let the white box visible (Bullets are shot from its position)
NOTE : Theres a problem with it when rotating mouse, i update when i find whats wrong
And the "bullets"
Project : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
LUA Script alone : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
Nothing fancy , but i think that can be used in a vertical shooter or platformer traps
- Top pannel is moving left and right with a timer, and 3 cubes switch back to pannel position when they reach the bottom screen
- You can move the red ball with left and right but its useless (no collision or actions attached)
Example 1
• Project : NeverEnd
• Lua script only: NeverEnd
Here's an updated version, i used Anael's object oriented example instead of 3 basic cubes, i will use only one and i added some variations (random speed, (notso)random scale)
Example 2
• Project_v2 : NeverEnd_v2
• Lua script only : NeverEnd_v2
Great to know they can be used
About that doc, maybe i can find something on the net or its maratis-specific changes ?
Hello !
Into another net-wandering session i found an old program who almost dissappeared from the face of the net :
Its main use was to generate vert and frag shaders easly, it does the job but for some reason when i try to use
them in maratis, the object is just invisible (standard renderer) or unaffected at all (fixed renderer)
From the same devs, another program named "GLSL demo" :
There's alot of shaders in it, below, a glass shader and a toon-like shader, but its the same problem than ShaderGen,
object is invisble.
Here's the link of the "site" (The official site is dead and the compagny too, its a backup site maintained by someone)
And a sample of the shaders from GLSL demo program :
vert shader : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Questions/Glass.vert
frag shader : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Questions/Glass.frag
and a copy of the license, just in case : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Questi icense.txt
Theres some amazing shaders in this, that would be awesome if they works in maratis,
but i dont know if its possible to adapt them ?
You are indirectly introducing an idea i had some time ago,
What if all the current users team up and focus on a single projet to make an ass-blowing game ?
There's alot of indie game sites out there, that can be a nice ticket for maratis to gather more people.
This can also be a good material for a future show-reel video.
What you think about ?
@Arclord, Yes i had the same feeling, but its just some tweaking to do, what i will try to do next is making jules
move first on vertical then horizontal instead of direct-diagonal
@Anael, Thanks i must say that one gave me a damn headhache x)
Hmm writing GLSL shaders is out of my range, but nevermind, your method should be ok for what i'm trying to do
I was also thinking about put my object inside of a box (along with camera), toy around with double sided and see if it blocks the light
- Nothing fancy but might be useful sometimes
- Arrow keys to move
- C,V,B keys to rotate X,Y,Z
- "Enter" key to reset positions
Project : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
LUA Script alone : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
NOT FINISHED YET, but its basically ok.
(Gonna finish it later)
- Arrow keys to move the ''cursor"
- "A" key to make jules move to the cursor
Project : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
LUA Script alone : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
Example 1 : Scaled health bar + percent
- Press 1 to decrease hp, 2 to increase
HPclip is exported in very small scale in blender :
I included the blend file anyway
• Project : Percents
• Lua script alone : Percentage
Example 2 : Object oriented hearts
Can manually add or remove hearths, plus automatic filling/removing. details are displayed on the main screen
Note : Not recommended to use this because it's only usable on the main scene
Nice ! very smooth
The best i can get is a very bright (emit only) or very dark object (playing with diffuse,specular,hardness), but its still affected by light
Just to make sure,
I want that object to be shadeless in maratis with standard renderer (in the game), not fixed renderer
this doesn't work ?
fov = getCameraFov(Camera0)
setCameraFov(Camera0, fov+1)
Damnit xD thats probably the only thing i didnt tried, and thats working ! thank you
Also thanks Alinor but C++ is like chinese for me, i dont even know where to put that :x
For joystick, it didnt fix the problem, i will try to recalibrate later on but
i doubt thats the prob, as im playing alot of games with my gamepad and never had that problem
And lastly, about shadeless objects, when you say set Emit to white, is just apply a texture like this or something else ?-
I tried about 1hour with many differents options but its still not shadeless
i need some more info :x
Hi, some other questions :
Camera FOV
I'm trying to make a zoom but i cant get camera fov changes working like "t = t + 1" stuff.
I tried many thing also with getCameraFov and also setCameraFov(Camera0, 60+1) but it doesnt matter what i do,
with 60 + 1 only +1 is applied and only one time (cant loop it)
Also i tried with a timer:
if t == 1 then
setCameraFov(Camera0, 61)
if t == 2 then
setCameraFov(Camera0, 62)
and so on, this one is working, but i doubt thats a good way to do :x
Shadeless materials
Is it possible to have a object not affected by light using the standard renderer ?
SponzaFPS with a gamepad
Tried the example with gamepad script but the view starts and never end to rotate (Z axis) just after i launch the game, any idea how to fix this ? (im using a PS2 gamepad)
Dont know if its any help for you but, you could also directly edit the texture in any image editor and save it, it will automatically update in maratis
I almost finished another 4-5 small examples, it just need some cleaning and i upload them too
Example based on anael script in SponzaFPS demo,
But applied to a 3rd person view character.
Theres still some things to correct (player box dont fully cover the model <- lazyness,
and the camera is able to do 360° rotations)
But thats the idea
- Mouse movements control camera
- Z = move up
- S = move down
- Q = strafe left
- D = strafe right
- Left mouse click = attack animation
- Double jump activated by default
Project : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
LUA script alone : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19970067/Marati
Maratis forum » Posts by Vegas
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