Wow Zester! Really good! You are making me want to start a full project! Did you measure the terrain in Blender? I made a post on conversion factors where you can find the scale in Maratis.
376 2013-10-18 15:35:41
Re: Terrain Creation and Texture Painting Tutorial (29 replies, posted in General)
377 2013-10-18 05:01:23
Re: Game Animation Discussion (6 replies, posted in General)
Wow, that is almost exactly what I was thinking of, but I don't know of a way to toggle visibility of each item, being that when you export a maratis mesh it comes in as one object, though in the mesh file you have options for adjusting the visibility of each object separately. That is why I would have to export the body and then each clothing item as a different mesh and use activate() or deactivate(). The the clothing would have to be parented is so that they clothes mesh can follow the body mesh.
Thanks for finding that Zester, because I was wondering if I was just hacking it, but it seems that is how it is done. haha.
My next upload might be an updated stage level with animated characters.
378 2013-10-18 03:34:58
Re: Game Animation Discussion (6 replies, posted in General)
Okay, I will look into that, Thanks 255.
Adding a little more to the discussion:
After looking at my stage level, I am wondering how I would go about changing the clothes of the character and still have them animate.
The idea I have is to not change the entire character, but just export the character body and the character's clothes as two separate meshes and then parent them. The clothing mesh would still be animated at the same pace as the character.
Another way I am thinking of doing it is by animating an alpha material. I have noticed that in the mesh file, there is an opacity value for each material. I wonder if this could be animated in Lua. It seems it would have to be done in C++ on the engine level.
379 2013-10-18 00:04:48
Re: TD Published Levels(Downloads) (3 replies, posted in Showcase)
Finally Uploading the Car level as a Published level (Don't want to upload as project yet, until I clean it up a bit). If anyone would like the project file, I can upload it. I still have to make my own tires.
380 2013-10-18 00:00:29
Re: Making Character Animation Easier(Tools) (12 replies, posted in General)
Tutorial Doctor wrote:My animation woes are solved! I was digging around on a hardrive of mine and I found out I still have a copy of Poser 8!
So, my workflow for game animations is solved! I use Poser 8 to make a BVH animation. Export it from poser. Then I import the BVH file into a Blender file that has my rigged Makehuman character in it. I then use the COPY ROTATION bone constraints and BAM!
Poser makes it so easy to animate. I can animate any figure in poser and save the animation out as a BVH file. Blender handles the BVH file very well. I think the best armature to export out of MakeHuman is the GameRig armature, as it is a simple rig.
Edit: Turns out it was my rig that works out better than the Makehuman rig: just as I was about to announce that I had solved my Animation problems also, hehe finally figured out how to easily do Walk, Run, Sneek, Creep, and a thousand other types of walk cycles from scratch in Blender. We will have to make some tutorials one on Mocap BVH and one on Traditional Style Animation.
I will start using the rig you posted in your link as my templet.
I would surely like to check out that tutorial. I will do one myself. Getting ready to upload this Car level right now.
381 2013-10-17 20:13:32
Re: Making Character Animation Easier(Tools) (12 replies, posted in General)
My animation woes are solved! I was digging around on a hardrive of mine and I found out I still have a copy of Poser 8!
So, my workflow for game animations is solved! I use Poser 8 to make a BVH animation. Export it from poser. Then I import the BVH file into a Blender file that has my rigged Makehuman character in it. I then use the COPY ROTATION bone constraints and BAM!
Poser makes it so easy to animate. I can animate any figure in poser and save the animation out as a BVH file. Blender handles the BVH file very well. I think the best armature to export out of MakeHuman is the GameRig armature, as it is a simple rig.
Edit: Turns out it was my rig that works out better than the Makehuman rig:
382 2013-10-17 20:09:43
Re: Postprocessing inside the engine? (9 replies, posted in Engine)
No, you would have access to postprocessing effects like HDR rendering, radial blur, depth of field etc. via GLSL shaders. ==> Further information
Wow, so you are currently able to use depth of field in your games? Is it real-time?
383 2013-10-17 16:27:06
Re: Postprocessing inside the engine? (9 replies, posted in Engine)
Hey community!
Since I have postprocessing using GLSL shaders up and running inside my game plugin I would like to integrate this functionality into the Maratis main engine so everyone can use it without messing with an external plugin.
You could simply use it from within your LUA scripts without a major hassle.Anael: Would you accept such a big patch?
What would this allow? What does it mean? You can adjust materials without Blender after the fact?
384 2013-10-17 16:26:02
Re: TD Levels (with downloads) (42 replies, posted in Showcase)
Okay guys, I almost have the Car Level finished, just want to place a character in the passenger seat and maybe some background music. Perhaps a voice over? we will see.
I also figured out how to toggle. I just use booleans with a table.
385 2013-10-17 16:24:41
Re: TD Levels (with downloads) (42 replies, posted in Showcase)
Tutorial Doctor wrote:I have been trying to create a script that lets me toggle through characters.
I did it for you! ;-)
Press TAB to switch between characters.
I checked it out for a little, but I still have to look at it (the code). I am going to apply this to my Character Select Level. Thanks!
386 2013-10-17 15:50:32
Re: Functions request (36 replies, posted in Scripting)
An isSoundOver() function would be useful to me right now, hehe. Also, just more sound functions in general (lua side). Or even being able to adjust the pitch of the sound or all the other parameters that are in the editor through script. This really goes for all editor parameters really.
387 2013-10-16 22:18:45
Re: Game Animation Discussion (6 replies, posted in General)
You can make the character walk to the correct position, instead of snapping.
Then you rotate him in the correct direction, and then play the animation to enter the car.
So it will look all smooth.
Wouldn't I need some sort of path-finding algorithm or something though? A sort of moveTowards() function?
I wonder if I can make some sort of rig using the follow behaviors with constraints and such.
Once I get my AI senses working, I could use that to do it I suppose.
388 2013-10-16 17:31:39
Topic: Game Animation Discussion (6 replies, posted in General)
I am thinking of some ways to make my animations seamless, so here I am going to discuss some ideas I have.
Walk Animation:
Now, I already have a working 3rd person demo (not posted yet, because I want it to look good when I do). In order to get the transitions of the animations right, I had to make an idle animation whose last frame pose is the starting pose for the walking animation. When I press "W" the animation goes to the walking animation and when I let go, the animation goes back to the idle animation.
Driving Animation:
Also, I am thinking a little demo where the character can enter and exit a car. My idea is to use setPosition() to snap the character to a position near the car so that when I play the Climb() function it plays a climb animation that will be oriented the right way. Also I would probably use setRotation(). Using a quick camera change (so that you don't see the object snap to the position) and perhaps a fade effect(video style fade) I change the camera to a mid-shot of the character climbing. Then I change the camera again with a fade effect to another camera that is inside of the car.
Jump Animation
What about jumps? It would seem it is like the walk animation. The first frame of the jump animation is the last frame of the idle animation.
Tumble Animation:
Just like the walk and jump animations. However, the first and last frame of the tumble animation would have to be the first frame of the idle animation (he has to stand back up DURING the tumble animation)
When I think of more ideas, I will post them here.
389 2013-10-16 16:40:48
Re: TD Testing Areas (downloads) (15 replies, posted in Showcase)
Added the City Base from my Showcase.
390 2013-10-15 20:57:13
Re: Tutorial Doctor's Maratis Showcase: (16 replies, posted in Showcase)
Quick Modular city/village (Image 24 & 25)
391 2013-10-15 16:53:41
Re: Rotation offset (21 replies, posted in General)
A drawn diagram of what you want to do would help me. I'm sorta okay at calculus, but personally I like to find the easiest route. I don't get what you are trying to do.
When you say "offset rotation" what do you mean? And when you say you want to use the rotation "between" two objects, what do you mean?
Are you doing some sort of pendulum motion that has one object following the same rotation of a other, just offset by a certain angle?
For example, objec1 swings and then object2 swings just like object1, but the timing is offset?
Hmm, reminds me of that joints project that used behaviors to make a rag-doll looking effect.
Also, if the rotation is local, to the joint, why would it rotate the whole mesh?
392 2013-10-15 06:48:37
Re: TD Levels (with downloads) (42 replies, posted in Showcase)
I have been trying to create a script that lets me toggle through characters. I know I have to use a table, but I want to be able to just add any new character object to the table and be able to toggle it. I haven't been able to find out how to use for and while loops in maratis without it crashing (guess I don't understand how the onSceneUpdate function works as it relates to loops.
393 2013-10-15 05:39:00
Re: Rotation offset (21 replies, posted in General)
Hmm, I keep hearing of xml. I guess I need to look into that. I have been going from programming language to programming language, hahaha.
I have been gaining a lot of experience though. I think that all programmers should learn any language they can, because that makes you more flexible. I see now why companies want you to know so many of them, because usually each serves a unique purpose.
You are way above me when it comes to programming though (what's a binding) haha.
As for Blender plugins, I just simply don't like Blender's API. Then again I am picky about how API's should be presented. I like Maratis's API though.
394 2013-10-15 03:54:05
Re: Rotation offset (21 replies, posted in General)
Well, I just dealt with origin points myself. And I think one reason it would help to know if it can be done in code is the fact that after a maratis mesh is made, there is no way to edit it otherwise (no blender importer)
I would have to have the original .blend file or something to adjust anything about it.
395 2013-10-14 23:26:58
Topic: Introduction to 3D modeling (0 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
I have just watched the BEST intro to 3d modeling tutorial. It's all there and clear. He even does UV mapping and material application! He uses 3ds max, but the principles can be applied to Blender as well. Here is the 1st tutorial:
396 2013-10-14 16:48:10
Re: My Game Programming Rant (11 replies, posted in Gossip)
saw that ? :
Yeah, I've seen that one. I like tearaway.I think now that indie developers don't need publishers to get attention on big consoles that we will see, perhaps, more innovation. Some say it would degrade the quality of games published, but those who say that more than likely think a quality game is one with fantastic graphics.
It's surely better than diminishing equilibrium tactics these companies use. aka law of diminishing marginal utility.
397 2013-10-14 16:21:19
Re: Material Animation?(Resolved) (4 replies, posted in Editor)
try this blender exporter update : 66(v2).zip
someone noticed a code issue and published it in the bug tracker.
It works!
398 2013-10-14 16:15:19
Re: My Game Programming Rant (11 replies, posted in Gossip)
Yeah Zester. I mean, there are educational games, but what I expect from an educational game is not what I expect from a AAA game by some big game manufacturer (and that's a bad thing).
I was telling my brother that these games are just formula games. Sorta like American tv haha. So much content that can be in a game (and with creativity it could catch on very quickly), but I can't find any decent to play games that I wouldn't object to accept if I get a WII. haha.
Then again, I don't play games much, accept board games and card games.
I think it is the American market that is messed up though, because when you look at those Japanese game shows they are always playing these strange looking, fun looking games. haha. I'm like, ''Now see! That is what I want to play!"
You know the one with the office clerk riding high-speed in an office chair down the street dodging traffic? haha
I think MediaMolecule are the most innovative game designers (Little Big Planet). I like their games.
399 2013-10-14 06:35:19
Topic: TD Published Levels(Downloads) (3 replies, posted in Showcase)
These are compiled levels (non editable). The objects in these levels I have posted in the showcase area:
The Office:
Mouse to look around
Car Level(54MB):
R-Toggle radio stations
Mouse to look around
Model Viewer (22mb) Captain America Version:
A- Spin Right
D- Spin Left
W- Tilt Down
S - Tilt UP
Left_Click- Zoom in (while in Body Cam)
Right_Click- Zoom Out (while in Body Cam)
UP ARROW- Face Camera
DOWN ARROW- Body Camera
LEFT ARROW- Look at Left Character
RIGHT ARROW- Look at Right Character
Q- Quit Game
This file cannot be redistributed due to the license on the Captain America model. I will make a version with my own model soon.
400 2013-10-14 05:39:13
Topic: Material Animation?(Resolved) (4 replies, posted in Editor)
I can't get material animation to work. I am in GLSL mode, but I have exported textures in this mode many times.
I did add a Maratis Animation for it and I made sure to export the material animation.
In solid mode I see the color change (not in texture mode), which I think is just Blender's rules. But When I export the mesh I don't see the animation when I scrub the animation bar (is it seen when scrubbing the bar?)
The mesh does have an emitt material on part of it and a regular material on the other part. I have exported it that way as a static mesh and it works, but I can't it to show up in Maratis. Couldn't find any posts on this.