(0 replies, posted in Showcase)

I am going to post a few animated props here that you can use as test objects. They will have ambient occlusion but no textures. You can use them with the test areas. Just put the maps and meshs folder in their respective folders in your project folder.

To change the speed of the animations use the function:


The door opens 90 degrees. 15 frames.
PunBB bbcode test
https://sites.google.com/site/aasfsfasa … s/door.zip

Moving Platform(Animated):
The moving platform is basically a cube animated moving up and down. If you scale it however, it can become a platform. If you rotate it, it can move left to right.
PunBB bbcode test
PunBB bbcode test
https://sites.google.com/site/aasfsfasa … atform.zip

Fan & Lightbulbs:
PunBB bbcode test
https://sites.google.com/site/aasfsfasa … es/fan.zip

LightBulbs(Not Animated yet. Thinking of animating a material so that you can freeze frame it for a color.):
https://sites.google.com/site/aasfsfasa … /bulbs.zip

I adjusted the origins of these bulbs. If you scrub the timeline, they will go through several colors. you can use:




If you want to choose a select color.
https://sites.google.com/site/aasfsfasa … orBulb.zip


(15 replies, posted in Showcase)

Added an office level. The door is not operable. This is a good area to test object interactions. You could put animated objects in the room to give it some life. Perhaps throw a sound in there.

I'd like some suggestions on types of testing areas I should make.


(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

When I looked at those videos on game mechanics, they mostly spoke on game theory and game mechanics. When they spoke of the mechanics, they spoke of game theory games (different from games).

They showed how game theory is so much more than just how a game should be made. They referenced German board games, chess, monopoly etc.

Games are games, computers or not. With this understanding, I could have a game with no music at all and still do well. For instance, chess doesn't really need music. If anything, just some elevator music in the back to ease the mood. Haha.

As for graphics, in another post Anael, Poodle, and I brought up the topic of those old text adventure games. Those games are rather intriguing and fun actually, and it has only text for graphics (In fact, I am thinking of making one).

I think it's a good idea to go back to the basics and say, ''what makes a game a game anyhow?" I see that it isn't just awesome graphics. Even though I wasn't a big fan of those rpg games, they seem to have more game mechanics in them that actually make them fun (reason why I judged them by the graphics, having not played it).

I remember this old game we had called War Games. I remember that game being so addictive,, mainly because you had to be more tactical (Reason why I don't like COD or HALO).

One reason I prefer the old school Tomb Raider over the new releases is that today they focus graphics to WOW people. They have better animations, better controls. But these games are just not as challenging as before.

Tomb Raider was known for it's elaborate puzzles. Took months to beat it. Sure, the controls were kinda boxy (gives me hope for making a decent game with Maratis haha) but the game was complete and challenging.

Modern games are dispensable for the most part (sports games have more re-play value).

It's rare that I find fun games (these shooters aren't that fun to me anymore, but a game that is like hide-and-seek, now that would be fun). In some way, these shooters have a sort of hide-and-go-seek mechanic to them which gives them that thrill aspect. It's not the shooting that is exciting. It is mainly that hide-and-go-seek mechanic that makes it thrilling (reason why I don't believe shooters are fun because they are shooters, again mechanics)


(9 replies, posted in Scripting)

com3D wrote:

If you don't put it in the if statement, the rayHit will be performed at every sceneUpdate (60 times per second!).
If you put it inside, it will be performed only when you click.

It depends on your needs: do you need to perform it all the time or at demand? The choice is yours. big_smile

Ahh! I see. So the point variable only exists if the mouse is clicked. Otherwise it doesn't? Gotcha!


(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

Well, my first real experience with 2D game making was a good one. I used GameMaker Studio. It has a very good WYSIWYG setup. I used it before it was that popular. Now it is very popular. Of course now they charge thousands to even publish a game on a credible operating system (Thus is the end of greed)

I understand that people want to profit off of their work, we all do, but when companies go over to this monthy subscription stuff, or this licensing stuff, it becomes greed.

For instance, there are so many people whose jobs are dependent on Adobe Photoshop. Now, whereas before you only had a one-time fee (the price of the software), now all of there services are subscriptions based "licenses" to use their software. Of course, it is their software and they can do whatever they want with it, but Gimp looks that much more attractive as a result right?

I'm thankful that Maratis is opensource and free (not just opensource, but free also)

In my case, I am new to programming, and have known about 3d for a while, but never had a stable platform to implement it on (still don't like Blender much).

I am super new to game design, but I have managed to mesh sorta well. even produced a little something. haha. Just going full steam ahead! My engine is running out of strength I think.

After reading that article, I sorta see why. However, I recently came to the EUREKA that a game doesn't have to look all fancy like AAA games to be successful. It's all about mechanics.

The cool thing about programming (that I could see that makes it fun) is that your program can be used and re-used over and over to make tasks easier. I personally don't like "one time use only" programs. That is why I made a customizable game script. All I have to do is open it up, change one variable and BAM, a moving, animating character of whatever sort.

If programmers would understand that it is always best to program a TOOL to help you create your next program easier, then we could have that super high level program (siri-like) where anyone could make a game just by talking.

(Hmm, I have to consider that last statement)


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

After watching 3 hours of video on Game Mechanics (PAX) I was surprised at the various game mechanics out there, and the fact that many box office games use the cheap route.

My favorite game of all time is called SUPERSONIC ACROBATIC ROCKET POWERED BATTLE CARS.

Ever heard of it? Well, it's a great game. However, they couldn't push it further because of publishing issues (Sony's indie policies will help the situation) SUPERSONIC ACROBATIC ROCKET POWERED BATTLE CARS 2 maybe?!

The company PSYONIX also has a very popular game on IOS. Called ARC SQUADRON I believe.

They know how to make FUN games. And all it takes is a good mesh of mechanics.

Even still, most games use a few cheap mechanics like you say Anael.

You're on to something with that text based game idea Poodle. I wrote a post the other day called


(0 replies, posted in Gossip)

I posted a link to a tutorial I made on how to understand computer programming. And to deduce the idea down even further I want to post on how to PROGRAM LIKE YOU SPEAK.

In the tutorial I said a program is like a RECIPE. A recipe has ingredients and instructions on how to use those ingredients to make a meal. The ingredients of programming are VARIABLES. The instructions of programming are called STATEMENTS. And a FUNCTION is a collection of STATEMENTS. For example, when you say "BAKE" you are saying, "Press Bake on the stove." And when you say "PRESS," you are really saying, ''Take your finger and apply force to a button that reads "Press."

Variables are named like NOUNS(person,place,thing, or idea) and functions are named like VERBS(Action words)

This is just how programming works. In LUA (the scripting language for Maratis) a function looks like this:


And a variable looks like this

button =

But you have to MAKE THE INSTRUCTIONS for the Bake() function. When you type Bake() you want something to happen.

So how do you program like you speak? Just think about what parts of your sentence are nouns, and which are verbs.

Hmm, let's think of a game scenario:

Joey is locked inside of a room. There is a small window above him that lets in a bit of light, and an old chair leaning against a table on a wall. Is there a key in the room? Is there anything else that could help him escape this dark room?

Well, we have a lot of information in this scenario. And in fact, this could be a complete (however small it may be) game.
Let's see what NOUNS we have:

joey =
room =
door =
light =
window =
chair =
table =
wall =
key =

Let's figure out some actions Joey either has taken, is taking, or could take:


That's good enough so far. We can use BOOLEANS to give objects STATES. For example we could set the light to OFF or ON. We could set the door to OPEN or CLOSED. It's done like this:

closed = true
on = false
scared = false

Later on, if something happens, we could then change the ''on" variable to true. And if the on variable is true, we can cause another function to happen. The way this is done is with CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS.

Conditional statements help control the FLOW of actions so that things don't happen at the same time. Example:

if closed = false then

So if we later set closed to false, then Joey can escape.

Conditional statements control the GAMEPLAY of the game.

Here is another use:

if scared=true then

--More to come when I think of it...


(13 replies, posted in General)

It happened to me several times. I use Chrome also.


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

After reading a lengthy article, I want to rant about game programming, and perhaps game programming in general.

Lot's of people have ideas of games they would like to make. Perhaps games they would like to play. Ever played a game and said, ''Wouldn't be cool if I could do this...?''

Yeah, it would be cool, but it's not going to happen just because it would be cool.

My personal issue with modern games is that the top games are very formulaic and generally violent games. Parent's always lobbied for educational games, and it seems the most education you can get out of top modern games is how to snipe a guy from behind a wall. You learn how to blow up this guy that keeps shooting you. You learn how to steal cars etc.

Sure, this is a personal beef, but this is American Society today. I prefer educational games that can be of value in REAL LIFE, not games that use game mechanic tricks to make you feel like you accomplished something.

What if there were a game where you could learn German while having fun? It could be on scenario basis. For instance, you are stranded in a German city and you don't know German. You have to find resources to help you learn. A newspaper? The local gas station? And in actuality you are learning German. Open world like GTA.

Good idea I think. Who is writing the code? Doing the graphics? The modeling? The story writing? blah blah blah.

This is the main reason I am into MODULAR DESIGN. Everyone can play with LEGOS. And with a little creativity you can make some cool stuff. But can you make a car with LEGOS? Perhaps! Can you make a grain of sand with LEGOS? Uhh..

This new game coming out called PROJECT SPARK is sorta cool. It is a game that let's you make games, but to really create something unique you have to know programming methodology.

Of course, programming is basically LOGIC, which is a skill that people who don't know how to program could have and still not be able to program.

But when it comes to making a game, you need more than just logic.

Ugh. Rant finished. haha


(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

I am reading a very interesting article on WHY PEOPLE DON'T MAKE VIDEO GAMES:

http://howevangotburned.wordpress.com/2 … deo-games/

It is a good read (sorta discouraging perhaps).

If you have a hard time understanding programming, check out my post on how to understand programming.

My idea I have would solve all of these problems, but it is too far over my head.


(1 replies, posted in Scripting)

Here is the example in the wiki:

Example2, test the intersection with an object :
   object = getObject("object")
   function onSceneUpdate()
       start = {0, 0, 0}
       end = {100, 0, 0}
       point = rayHit(start, end, object)
       if point then

Here is my understanding of what the rayHit() function does, and how it can be used:

The rayHit() function shoots out a beam from a start position to an end position.
If the beam collides with something it returns the location of the object. If it doesn't it returns "nil"

Here is where my understanding breaks down. Is the "point" variable a point in 3d space or is it a boolean?
For instance, if there IS a collision then does the rayHit() function return TRUE and therefore make the point variable equale to TRUE?

How can it be both if it is?

And what is the "object" variable really doing? Is it making the rayHit() function detect a specific object? If so, what does it do with that object? give it's location? If it does give it's location, is it making the "point" variable equal to it's location (a 3d point in space)?

I need to understand this in layman's terms (as dumb as you can make it, yet clear).


(9 replies, posted in Scripting)

I have a question. Does:

point = rayHit(Apos, Bpos)

have to be in the if statement? Could I do:

Apos = getPosition(A)
Bpos = getPosition(B)
point = rayHit(Apos, Bpos)
-- set Bpos further (1000 is the maximum distance, set higher if needed)
Bpos[1] = Apos[1] + (Bpos[1] - Apos[1])*1000
Bpos[2] = Apos[2] + (Bpos[2] - Apos[2])*1000
Bpos[3] = Apos[3] + (Bpos[3] - Apos[3])*1000

if onKeyDown("MOUSE_BUTTON1") then 
    if point then

And be fine?


(0 replies, posted in Scripting)

I am going to try to put together a graphical user interface and post the progress here:

I need to review a topic I posted a while ago on whether or not to use scenes for different screens or levels. I will paste the code here also as I go. Here are some of the tools I will be testing to see which works best:

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe After Effects
Blender 3D

These are some forum topics I will be referencing:

Attempt 1:
Text done in Illustrator. Exported out to SVG
Imported into Blender. They imported as curves. Had to convert them to a mesh. Added an Emmit material.
Exported Maratis Mesh
Imported as an Entity.
Orthographic Camera.
The plane has a white emitt material as well.
PunBB bbcode test


(4 replies, posted in General)

X54321 wrote:

OK, so I have a basic FPS rig set up in maratis, and I have made a map in blender. When I made the blender map, I used a technique that had an end result of a wall being split into several rectangles. My problem is, when my character is colliding with the map, it works fine except when I am strafing along walls. When I do that, occasionally I come to a complete stop. I think this is because of the aforementioned technique, and the rectangles are messing up collisions, but I'm not too sure about it. This has also happened before when I am falling against a wall I may suddenly land on the bottom edge instead of slipping off.
So, if someone has had this experience, or might know how to fix it, please tell me.

What collision type is your map? Triangle mesh? What collision type is your character? Convex hull? Also, where was the origin of your map mesh in Blender? At the center of mass?

Some pictures would help also.


(12 replies, posted in General)

Wow! ShrinkWrap modifier is very good for clothes!


(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

Thanks Vegas. I was able to get it to display each box when moused over (Also changed the names from Entity... to Box...)

alex = getObject("Alex")
model = getObject("Model")
click = getObject("Click")
text = getObject("Text")


Unprojected = getObject("Unprojected")
Camera0 = getObject("Camera0")

function Spin(x)
    if isKeyPressed("D") then
    if isKeyPressed("A") then

function Switch(x,y)
    if isKeyPressed("RIGHT") then
    if isKeyPressed("LEFT") then

function onSceneUpdate()

--[[----------------------------------------------------------------------UNPROJECTED POINT]]
    mx = getAxis("MOUSE_X")
    my = getAxis("MOUSE_Y")    

    V1 = getUnProjectedPoint(Camera0, vec3(mx, my, 0))
    V2 = getUnProjectedPoint(Camera0, vec3(mx, my, 1))

    point, Unprojected = rayHit(V1, V2) -- note that rayHit only detects objects with physics enabled

    if point then
        Xname = getName(Unprojected)
        Xobj = getObject(Xname)
        if Xname == "BoxR" and onKeyDown("MOUSE_BUTTON1") then deactivate(Xobj) end
        if Xname == "BoxL" and onKeyDown("MOUSE_BUTTON1") then deactivate(Xobj) end
        if Xname == "BoxT" and onKeyDown("MOUSE_BUTTON1") then deactivate(Xobj) end



(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

Vegas wrote:

I used GetUnjprojectedPoint example from the wiki
(single project example Here)

"Unprojected" is the cube i use to test collision
If you replace your level file with the one i gave you, it will work (i've just added a cube, and enabled physics for that cube + the 3 others that you want to click)

Ahh! I was only using the script, not the level file. Thanks! I will look into how it works!

p.s. I did add an uprojected object and it worked (didn't delete the entities however, but I got it to display a font.


(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

Vegas wrote:

Here it is
(contain level file and lua script)

Thanks! Going to test it out right now. I am going to see if I can get it to display it on screen.

Edit: I see in the script that you are trying to get an object named "Unprojected"
Should I create this object? If so where do I put it? what is the purpose of it?

The console is telling me that the object doesn't exist


(5 replies, posted in General)

255 wrote:

What does Maratis mean?

I've been wondering the same thing myself. I am wondering if it has anything to do with that Marat painting, being as Anael is French? Am I right?


(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

Character Select! The cubes are place holders for any type of object you want to add. You can just parent them to the cubes and make the cubes invisible. Neat and easy way to add accessories to the model. These models can easily be switched out for cars as well (I need to figure out how to make a car material in Blender).

I wonder if someone is able to use rayhit to make the cubes clickable (don't know how to use it efficiently yet)?


(12 replies, posted in General)

I like that a lot Zester!
PunBB bbcode test

I was having issues with this one (weight painting), because it seems makeHuman exports geometry that is underneath other geometry. For example, the teeth are behind the head. And automatic weight mapping doesn't get it. So I have to edit the vertex group (best to do this rather than weight painting).

Enough of the female meshes now, I have to get some more male meshes. I will see how they turn out. The first game will be only a male mesh, and the 2nd a male and female one. Or I might do both. We'll see.

Did you do that one in Blender? Makes me want to try a level like that in Sculptris (Not comfortable enough yet with Blender.)


(12 replies, posted in General)

zester wrote:

I was going to say TD that "Animation" isn't hard "Walk Cycles" are hard, "Organic Movement" is hard especially when you know exactly how the human body moves and reacts to different situations. There is no faking it you eather git it right or you don't.

Note:  For clothing, use the "Shrinkwrap Modifier" and adjust the "Offset" to get a good fit, after parenting the clothes to your rig "Weight Paint" to adjust the amount your clothes deform during movement."  I haven't mastered Weight Painting(Haven't Spent allot of time using it). So you might have to refer to some tutorials.

Weight Paint will also help on your character mesh I see some folding in the joints on her arms.

Blender takes some time to get use to and I have no idea how long you have been using it, but your already into some fairly advanced stuff. Most beginners use blender for 2 years before even thinking about animation much less rigging and actually animating something.

I was able to get a very organic walk cycle with the rig I updated today:

I also got it to wave. I just threw this model together, but the next one I am going to take my time (which shouldn't be that long). Thanks, I will try out the shrinkwrap modifier. It seems that gemotry with no thickness works better with automatic weight painting. I just threw those shorts on after the fact (wasn't a part of the model.)

I already have a 3d person level with an idle and walking animation (controls also). And I published it and made a logitech game profile for it. (IT WORKS TOO!)

But I want it to have a little more polish before I upload the file so that people can see how it works.

I should have something up either in a few hours or tomorrow.


(12 replies, posted in General)

Vegas wrote:

I know this one : IKinema
That's a free, browser based BVH retarget application

But honestly even with those tools it remains horribly hard.
I'm now looking for ready to use animations, i found a bunch at Open Game Art.

ps. I think animeeple has been shut down long ago

I have been working all day to get a good workflow setup for creating a character, rigging it, and animating it. So I imported a makeHuman into Blender and made an IK rig. Then I deleted the makeHuman model. Now I have a ready to go IK rig for makeHuman Characters. And it poses so well that I have been able to get a decent walk animation with it.

Here is a photo of the first character made using this process.

PunBB bbcode test


(17 replies, posted in Gossip)

Changed the Rig. Now it is made for MakeHuman meshes.


(12 replies, posted in General)

It is already hassle enough to model and texture in Blender without issues, but animation is a little more annoying (partly due to the fact that I'm not good at it).

I have been trying to think of some ways to get it done. Here is a running list of options:

Curious Labs Poser

Iclone 5(Account Neded--Content Dependent)

Daz Studio(Account Needed--Content Dependent)

Animeeple(Account Needed--Content Dependent)

Mixamo(Account Needed--Yearly Subscription--Content Dependent)

If you have any more suggestions please post them. Right now it looks like Poser is the best option.