(0 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Martais meshes are driven by armature animation. As of now, it can't use shape keys directly. However, you can use bones to drive shapekeys:


But that is not the reason for this topic.

Even though Maratis requires your mesh to be rigged before importing into Maratis, it is actually a good thing. It is much easier to animate a mesh with an armature than a mesh without an armature.

By adding just ONE BONE to a mesh, you can get a door swing on a hinge, or even a character to walk through 3d space in Maratis. I was able to animate an object in the x,y,z planes in blender, and the animation got into Maratis perfectly (Although I thought Maratis didn't pick up those types of translations).

Say for instance you wanted a cyclical motion to happen on an object. Give it ONE BONE in Blender and animate it turning 360 degrees.

However! If you want your animation to be 60 frames long, your first keyframe should be at 0 and your last one at frame 61

You would export the animation from frame 0-60.

The reason you export from 0-60 rather than 0-61 is so that the animation will loop correctly (you don't want two frames the same or else you'll see a little jerk in your animation)

I am already getting some ideas on what to make with one bone animation. I will probably just make a bunch of animated props or something. My first one will be a door.

I will add examples here:
Door handle:
PunBB bbcode test


(19 replies, posted in Gossip)

Yeah, I have been seeing how the push has been to move to Maya. My cousin is in Motion Graphics, so he uses Cinema 4D.

I admit Blender has come a long way, but my annoyances were confirmed the other day.

You know how I said I was doing a bit of advertising on that one site mapcore.org? Well, as soon as someone saw Blender they expressed disgust. I sorta laughed cause I just had posted this topic.

The video above explains why so many people have this resentment. Even why I did. It is the usability that still needs help.

I like the fact that Blender is free, but it still needs help in design, as this is what makes people leave so soon. Not just because it is unfamiliar, but for the most part, illogical from a user end experience. I wanted so badly to like Blender for the longest, and lately I have started to like it a little. The design aspect needs help though.

Actually Anael, I encourage you to continue to support Blender, but as it stands, Blender itself needs a bit of work.

If only I knew how to get through Blender's API well enough, I could make a few Python scripts to clean it up a bit. It's all about presentation nowadays. hehe.

Take care.

The post at mapcore can be found here:
http://www.mapcore.org/topic/16559-free … ternative/


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Thank you Vegas!!!! I just downloaded the VOIDWORLD software and it reminds me of 3dsmax! I wonder why they are giving it away fro free?:

http://voidworld.cmcproductions.co.uk/i … pic=1320.0

I don't know how to edit a wiki (is that what I'd have to do?)


(2 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I just came across a post when looking for a plugin that imports svg graphics as sketchup shapes. In the thread there is a workflow for using blender to get it done.

http://productforums.google.com/forum/# … fzFKgpNJWo

This will come in handy for making large levels. You basically go from a drawn sketch (without Sketchup) to a 3d model.

I used the free software INKSCAPE to make my svg file but you could use Adobe Illustrator also:



(2 replies, posted in Gossip)

Going to promote maratis some more on this site:


I see a lot of things made by these people that I am SURE I can do in Maratis. May be some more people coming to this site as a result. We will see!


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

The mapcore.org website is GREAT for getting good ideas and other resources for game development. I am going to join it and tell them about Maratis as well!


(19 replies, posted in Gossip)

anael wrote:

I worked with 3dsmax a lot before, personally and professionally, and I can tell you today that Blender is more powerful and flexible, Maya is not bad thought.

Maratis can now load Collada files, so you can totally import meshs from 3dsmax or Maya, Collada supports animations, uvs and materials.

Use File > Import 3d model,
and select the collada file to import to your Maratis project.
Maratis will convert the collada and save them as native .mesh files in your_project/meshs/

You may have to tweak some little things by opening the converted files with a text editor (it's xml)
for example to create multi-animations or modify the materials.

Indeed, Blender is much more flexible than 3dsmax. I do, however think that 3dsmax is more stable, and better organized.

My brother said it was easier to make stuff in Blender, so we had a race.

We were to make boxes and see who went faster. By the time he made 4 boxes, I had 20 +

He had to reminder shortcuts or navigate menus. This panel that panel etc.

As far as speed, sketchup is the fastest modeler. Sketchup also wins in accuracy(for certain types of models), but now that Trimble owns it, I doubt it will be developed as often as it was at google.

Assimp works VERY well, but that is only after the object is made.

I do can get around in Blender today, better than I ever could 8 years ago. But to go to the next level it needs some design help (which is the main reason it became more appealing recently)


(19 replies, posted in Gossip)

Yeah, Andrew Price has a VERY good portfolio using Blender, and I have watched several of his hour long tutorials. But I would think that after using it so efficiently, he should have no issues getting around in Blender. I was thinking it was me, but it isn't.

The video only describes "some" of the inconsistencies of Blender, but throughout, Blender is consistently inconsistent.

Cost is my main issue with commercial software. $200 for a capable commercial software, to me, is a decent price. But $3,000? $7,000? neh. Hehe

I thought of taking some time to program my own tools for Blender, but even the API is not organized well.

(By the way, I'm sorta nick-picky about design) I am still trying to create a workflow (without interface debugging), and I can get a game made in about 30 minutes  (been working on tools to aid in development, rather than just making a game.) Blender is capable, but so annoying when trying to do complex things, and even when trying to do simple things.

I'll keep at it though.


(19 replies, posted in Gossip)

I just watched a video that confirmed all of my issues with Blender:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYiiD-p … wbjyb9Iu1g

Maratis is a good engine, but having to go through Blender to even make good use of it is not ideal. I would rather use 3dsmax or Cinema 4d.

Blender is free, and we like free, but it lacks in good DESIGN. It has for the longest lacked design. While the layout has improved somewhat as far as how it looks, the LOCATION and AVAILABILITY of the tools seems non existent without remembering 100 shortcuts.

I spent all day yesterday trying to UV map something. I had to tap in and out of edit mode, switch back and forth between UV channels, test render a billion times. Black textures, artifacts, errors, UGHH!

Blender alone makes me want to use Maratis anymore, and just go to Unity 3d. But unity also has a bad interface, and it costs so much.

I can't model in Blender at all. I use Wings3D, Sketchup, Sculptris, and perhaps this new software I downloaded called MeshMixer. Yet, to get them animated I have to go into Blender. I can UV edit in Wings, but actually Blender is easier (now).

I have to bake shadows in Blender also (although I do know of some good commercial software that can do it better).

I am a novice, so I don't want to pay for software just to learn the PRINCIPLES of how to do it.

I have used Maratis to learn game design, but Blender itself is the main hangup. Perhaps the reason people don't stick around for Maratis long.

Then again, if you don't have Max or Maya, your'e out of luck, so ''BACK TO BLENDER WE GO.''

I am even contemplating buying Poser again, solely for animation. smh

Maratis is great, Blender is questionable. What to do?


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Found a cool new 3d software called MESH MIXER. (Link in the first post)


(16 replies, posted in Showcase)

Added a pretty decent car mesh to the Physics level (Image 12) Changed the camera a bit. And it looks really good! Not my model. I am using it as a test mesh.


(14 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Thanks heartseed. I used Jing before. It used to be slow, and I think they charge for features.

There is no doubt ill be telling people about maratis. Hehe

Take care!


(14 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Updated the File. It is now a PDF file


(14 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I used a very old program I had remembered called WINK.

I like camtasia studio most, but it costs. I have not found a way to make an effective presentation without using video. I can try a power point.

I'll redo it before I leave.


(3 replies, posted in Gossip)

I'll be putting my Maratis progression on standby for a while, whether indefinitely or definitely I cannot say.

It annoyed me to see that that is the case for the case for most people who came to this site, so I hustled to get some stuff done.

This is a GREAT engine. It's very capable and solid. I've learned a lot. My goal was a month, and I met it. But game programming isn't quite me. I know I can do it now, and that is fine enough with me.

I will probably check back in on the weekends if I can. Perhaps I'll work a little here and there on some projects I have.

Anael, I hope the best to you.

Thanks heartseeed for your constructive criticism wink hehe

Take care

-tutorial doctor


(14 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I made a demo on how I texture my terrain.

It is a PDF file. I tell how to texture in Sculptris, and how to UV map in Blender. I also tell how to add Ambient Occlusion. I tell how to make objects collide correctly with the terrain as well.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/o30yg2fp7en6k … errain.pdf


(8 replies, posted in General)

That is a lot of verts for a plant. Is it duplicated also? A lot of game developers use tricks. Game models are usually low poly. Plants are usually made using textured planes rotated in different directions (grass usually). Textures are only high resolution when they have to be 2048x2048 sounds pretty big.

Most of the time textures are boosted for cutscenes or close ups. Even then they use tricks.

I know standard render is more dynamic but I'm not sure how it technically differs from the fixed render. I know fixed render portrays my baked ambient occlusion more accurately, however, it doesn't do shadows(which I'd have to bake as well).


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

anael wrote:


there is only one script running at a time,
in your case the scene 1 because it is the active scene.

So write all code in the scene 1 script :

Scene 1 code:
GuiScene = getScene("Pnt_scene")
Camera = getObject("camera0")
enableCameraLayer(Camera, GuiScene)

txt_points = getObject(GuiScene, "Text0") -- get object from GuiScene
t = 0

function onSceneUpdate()
       t = t + 1
       new_text = "Time = " .. t -- change the last "t" to display another info
       setText(txt_points, new_text)

Thank you heartseed and anael!! I have a collection script now that displays on scene! I want to upload the level, but I don't know if I am allowed to re-upload the jules level. I just modified the script a bit. If not I can upload a screenshot.

-- get objects
Jules = getObject("Jules")
Player = getObject("Player")
Set = getObject("Set")
Feet = getObject("Feet")
apple = getObject("apple")
snd_collect = getObject("collect")
apple_clone = getClone(apple)

GuiScene = getScene("Pnt_scene")
Camera = getObject("camera0")
enableCameraLayer(Camera, GuiScene)
text = getObject(GuiScene,"Text0")

apples_collected = 0

function Collect(object)
    if isCollisionBetween(Player,object) then
        apples_collected = apples_collected + 1

function onSceneUpdate()
    --Apples GUI
    show_apples_collected = "Apples = " .. apples_collected
    --Apple Collection


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

heartseed wrote:

"Time " + t < this is the only  thing I can see that MIGHt indicate something wrong...since I have no idea where on wiki you pasted this from, is there supposed to be a 'space' between e and " in time ?

The space is there so that "Time" is not displayed right next to the number.

Say I had a variable:

words = "I am" .. "a word"

This would display as:

I ama word

I could do it this way to fix it:

words = "I am " .. "a word"


words = "I am" .. " a word"

My code works in the 2nd scene perfectly. But it just doesn't work when projected over the 2nd scene using the enableCameraLayer() function

I got it from here:
http://wiki.maratis3d.org/index.php?tit … ameraLayer

And here:


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

heartseed wrote:

Is there no way you can come to IRC to chat about this..that would be great, and give the rest of us some needed company in the channel that atm is usualy dead during most of the day.

irc.freenode.net , #maratis

Anyway to answer your question, I have no idea what your code is doing, not for sure anyway..I easily get the general idea, Im just a tad confused on what the text code is doing...if I had a better idea of that I could prob . assist you in your efforts. Either come to irc (its much easier and its in real time!) or wait for someone else to chime in, which eventually WILL happen, and they likely will know what is wrong given my programming ability, atm anyway, is very lacking. I've just not had time , as my skills are primarily in graphics. Learning the code part as I go...:)

All of your code is easy to understand,short of this:

t = t + 1
       new_text = "Time = " .. t -- change the last "t" to display another info

"Time = " .. t < is the part Im totally confused by, if you explain that I might''' be able to help you. Frankly that part looks wrong to me, as if something is missing or incomplete..but that's a major guess as I'm just not used to seeing that type of programming given my current lacking expertise.

If you are using this code from somewhere else, could you point out to me where it is so I can compare and possibly help you spot the coding error ?

aka: neighborlee

I just copied and pasted it from the wiki and changed the names a bit. But I think it is the way that you do concatenation in lua. Some languages do it like this:

new_text = "Time " + t

This new_text variable is simply a WORD + a NUMBER (You can't add words to numbers really, but it's how you display them)

Instead of using + in lua they must use ..

So what actually occurs is that I have the word TIME followed by a number that keeps getting bigger (it updates every frame).

It works in the 2nd scene, but when I try to overlay that scene on the first, it doesn't. It just displays the words TEXT. That's it.

p.s(It actually displays ''Time ='' and a number)


(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

Nice! Picked up some good tips from watching it.


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

In one scene I have my level.
In another scene I have some text that updates every frame and a camera.

I used the enableCameraLayer() function on the first scene to project the 2nd scene over the 1st one.

When I run the 2nd scene, the text works.
However, when I run the first scene (the level scene), the 2nd scene's text appears but it only shows the default text, and it doesn't update at all.

Scene 1 code:
GuiScene = getScene("Pnt_scene")
Camera = getObject("camera0")
enableCameraLayer(Camera, GuiScene)

Scene 2 code:
txt_points = getObject("Text0")
   t = 0
   function onSceneUpdate()
       t = t + 1
       new_text = "Time = " .. t -- change the last "t" to display another info
       setText(txt_points, new_text)

Any help?


(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

anael wrote:

It looks good, I like your rocks in the desert and the light of Terminal,
the design of the tree in FunLand is also good, it's good material for a mario-like game or a cartton universe.

As soon as I saw mario-like game, I said THAT'S IT!

I edited the jules project with my terrain. Added an apple and a very basic collection function:

function Collect(object)
    if isCollisionBetween(Player,object) then

And I almost have something marketable. haha. An idea at least. Thanks Anael.


(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

This post is only for levels, which is a major accomplishment for me. I joined this site on August 7th after stumbling on it by chance, and up until then I have NEVER programmed a program, and NEVER created a 3d level with textures. Never worked on any project of the sort. Everything I have been posting has only been learned in the time I have been on the site (as far as game development is concerned). Watched 2hrs worth of lectures on gameplay mechanics. Watched a bunch of Blender tutorials. Watched several tutorials on level design etc. I have to watch those lectures again before making a game that is worth playing.

These are only levels for showing what looks are possible. Im sure there are people more qualified even, that will see this and think, ''hmm, that type of thing is possible? Let's see if I can do this....''

Making a game (and a good one, considering it has good game mechanics), takes more consideration. I feel I can make a game, but what game I would make, I don't know. Which mechanics would I use? But all of that is pointless if I can't get the technical stuff right. If I can't get the technical stuff right, all I have is a game idea. But if I can get the technical stuff going, a game is no sweat.

Last night I was able to make a game character in blender, and load it into maratis with realistic animation (used bvh). Now I have the terminal level with a character walking in it. Have a few more technical things to do before I would consider making a game though.


(42 replies, posted in Showcase)

Added a FUNLAND level:

The terrain was modeled in Scultpris and textured in Blender.
The tree was modeled in Wings3D and textured in Blender.

The models had an Emittance of .2 so they are not so dark when importing to Maratis.