(10 replies, posted in News)

- Activate/Deactivate crash : corrected on svn

- .blend files need to be exported in legacy mode to work with Assimp

- For the other 3d formats, best is to stick with collada, obj and md3 for non-blender users. Blender users will still have better results using Maratis exporter.


(10 replies, posted in News)


that's why it's a beta, continue testing and give feedbacks.

yes, not sure if it work under windows 8, if it doesn't
can you tell me what is in maratis console and what does the fixed renderer and the blender in GLSL mode ?

Also, can you try running an openGL profiler like this one : http://www.gremedy.com/?sdk
there is a doc here : http://www.gremedy.com/tutorial/

If it's not the driver it might be some specific opengl call that can pop up with this.


is it also slow when you switch to fixed renderer ?
and in Blender, is it still fast when you select the glsl mode (press 'N' in the viewport and select : shading > GLSL)
(by default Blender is in multitexture mode)

Can you copy/paste the content of Maratis console ?


(10 replies, posted in News)

I'm happy to announce a new version of Maratis with a lot of cool features !

[EDIT : a new 3.21 version is available, without the activate/deactivate bug]

Maratis 3.2

- Improved Lua API
- Assimp integration, Maratis is now able to read multiple 3d formats (Collada .dae, .obj, .md3, full list) :
  - using "Add entity" is you want to use the model as-it
  - or using "File > Import 3d model" to convert the model into Maratis xml mesh format
  - note that all meshs are optimized and converted to binary during publishing
- Performances improvement using SSE instructions and vertex buffers
- Better 3d navigation, with adaptive center of view

Lua API :

simple 3d vector manipulation :
- vec3
- length
- normalize
- dot
- cross

object's matrix manipulation :
- getTransformedPosition
- getTransformedRotation
- getTransformedScale
- getInverseRotatedVector
- getRotatedVector
- getInverseVector
- getTransformedVector
- updateMatrix
- getMatrix

camera :
- getUnProjectedPoint (useful for picking)
- getProjectedPoint

system :
- getWindowScale
- getSystemTick

object properties :
- isActive
- getName
- getParent
- setParent
- getChilds
- enableShadow
- isCastingShadow
- setAnimationSpeed
- getAnimationSpeed
- setCurrentFrame
- getCurrentFrame

light properties :
- setlightShadowQuality
- setlightShadowBias
- setlightShadowBlur
- getlightShadowQuality
- getlightShadowBias
- getlightShadowBlur
- setlightSpotAngle
- setlightSpotExponent
- getlightSpotAngle
- getlightSpotExponent

physics :
- getMass
- setMass
- getFriction
- setFriction
- getRestitution
- setRestitution
- getAngularFactor
- setAngularFactor
- getLinearFactor
- setLinearFactor
- getCentralForce
- getTorque

inputs :
- getProperty
- getTouchPosition
- getLastTouchPosition
- getTouchPhase

"Warn" means it's just a warning, there is no problem as far as I know. It's just that the engine try to read the mesh in xml format before reading in the bin format.

I think it's because your meshs are not named .mesh, so it's trying to convert the files by trying all the formats,
but the error doesn't mean it won't work.


(2 replies, posted in General)

In the armature modifier, be sure that only Vertex Groups is on :

Is it still working in Blender ?

For skinning in Blender, if you don't want to do the skinning manually,
- select your model, then select the armature (both need to be selected)
- go to object > parent > with automatic weights > select with automatic weights again

This will create vertex groups automatically and you can correct it by hand after.

gamemaker : if you have trouble with performance, please create a post in bug report and give some more details, your os etc, we'll try to track it down. In the meanwhile, try to reset your drivers if you changed your 3d card, as you know opengl is very sensitive. And to get the old version of maratis, in the download page, change "current downloads" by "deprecated downloads" and press "search".

Hi gamemaker,

- About the data from real world, I mean it can 'add' some detail because you could multiply these height map (because there are realistic) to another less detailed height map (done for example with photoshop).

- Zester probably just created a big diffuse map that mix all the different textures without any particular shader.
I think he painted the base directly in Blender with a final touch in Gimp or Photoshop.


(7 replies, posted in General)

you have to upload your image and use the BBCode :

if you can't, send me a mail.


(7 replies, posted in General)


can you send me a screenshot of the "Custom shaders" example  ?
here : http://www.maratis3d.org/?page_id=53


(1 replies, posted in Bug report)

I'm not able to download this sintel file, do you have another file to test or can you send it by mail ?

I found a "sintel_lite_v2_1.blend" file somewhere else that cannot export because there is 662 bones, maybe the problem is the same for this one. A single realtime character should never have more than 32 or 64 bones.

But maybe your file is different.


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hi Rapdorian,

it could be a limitation of your hardware if the tpot is working it uses a very simple shader with less shader calls.

Are you using the current release or a build from svn ? on windows ?

Can you see if there is a message in the console window (or in maratis_log.txt) ? opengl version, error message...


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

yes i think


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

with arrays, or tables, you use indices or names :

A["x"] = 10
similar to : A.x = 10

or :

A[1] = 2
A[2] = 3


(4 replies, posted in Scripting)

normally yes


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

I don't understand what you mean, what is A1 ?


(7 replies, posted in Scripting)

a classic array works like that :

A = {12, 4, 3, 2, 8}

in lua indices starts at 1 :

A[1] is 12
A[2] is 4


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

I'm not 100% sure because I never tested drivers and constraints.

I think it should be ok because the exporter just bake all frames, but I'll suggest you do a little test using an armature with constraints to check if it works with the exporter.


(5 replies, posted in Scripting)

the mouse wheel has been added to the code on svn, but the current build doesn't have it.

if you can compile maratis it will be used like that :
wheel = getAxis("MOUSE_WHEEL")

If you cannot compile, the next version will be build in Februray.


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)


the main thing is to be sure the skinning is using vertex groups and not envelopes,
for the rig itself, try to keep the armature simple (keep in mind that it will be realtime in your game).

I'm not sure about the use of inverse-kinematic, but normally it should not be too restrictive because the animation keys are baked by the exporter.

I started the work on the xml mesh conversion, only the animation part is missing.

There will be two ways for using files from the Assimp reader :
- by reading the file directly from the mesh/ folder, if you don't need to modify the mesh
- by using a new menu in File > Import external models (not sure how to call it), this will detect if the file contains multiple meshs and will convert them in xml and copy in the mesh/ folder ; so it will be possible to modify the meshs with a text editor

For both ways the meshs will be always converted in binary during publishing.


(8 replies, posted in Scripting)

the syntax is not very different, you won't feel very lost.