(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

In this screenshot I am using a simple bloom shader.
Currently I'm experimenting with radial blur and anti aliasing shaders for better quality.
(Admitted, the radial blur shader looks more impressive than the bloom shader wink)

To apply the shaders the whole scene is simply rendered to texture on a mesh (i.e. a simple plane)  with a shader applied. You just need to render this object fullscreen and you have your post processing.



(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

Thank you guys smile

I started to integrate the story/setting into the game so the level shown in the video will no longer be used.

The current version contains new shaders for postprocessing.


PunBB bbcode game


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hey community!

I finally got to build Debian packages containing the Maratis editor and player.
They are available for 64bit Debian Wheezy. Using the packages on Ubuntu has to be tested (I have no Ubuntu installation around for now).

I used the icon that you can find here: http://maratis3d.org/download/logo/

You can download the package here: http://sponk-stuff.bplaced.net/en/programs.php


EDIT: I moved my website. You can now find it at http://scary-squid.de/en/programs.php


(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

I will upload a video to youtube by next week. I still have some animations to do before I can show it wink


EDIT: I added a few animations now. You can find the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDgTW9729u4


(29 replies, posted in Showcase)

Hello community!

I'm working on a game project named "Pavoris Maxima". It is a survival-horror shooter in a 20th century setting.
I still have to complete the storyline and the game mechanics but it is in a playable state now.

Models and sounds are taken from freesound.org and blendswap.com.
Most models are of course selfmade.


PunBB bbcode test

Hey community!

I looked a bit into the issue described here: http://forum.maratis3d.com/viewtopic.php?id=703

I came to the conclusion that the problem probably is about timing inside the onEvents method in MX11Window.cpp.

How often/frequent is onEvents called?


PS: I tested the behaviour on my openSUSE installation. It worked flawlessly on KDE without GNOME 3 installed. After installation of GNOME it stopped working. I think there is something inside GNOME what could cause this misbehaviour.


(6 replies, posted in General)

It is good as long as it works smile


(6 replies, posted in General)


penguinroad: What desktop environment are you using?

I'm only experiencing this mouse-lag problem when using GNOME3. I tested it with KDE 4.9 and LXDE on openSUSE and the sponzaFPS example worked fine on both.

The problem could be about GNOMEs compositing manager (Mutter as far as I know). I don't know what we could possibly do about it.



(4 replies, posted in Engine)

Hi Carlos32!

Maratis 3D uses OpenGL for rendering and not Direct3D so you don't have dx11 compatibility.
I don't know whether Maratis supports OpenGL 4.0 and above (for geometry shaders etc.).



(0 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Hello community!

I started to write a tutorial about the Maratis game plugin creation on Linux some time ago.
Currently it is only available in german due to my lack of time. I will translate it as soon as I have enough time to do so.

You can find it here: http://sponk-stuff.bplaced.net/de/tutor … l=tutorial

If you find any errors please tell me about it either here in this forum or on the support page of my website.


PS: It is the first tutorial I wrote so far so don't expect it to be perfect smile


(46 replies, posted in General)

Nistur: You actually can change the theme. Just change the 'default.theme' file in the 'gui' directory and you should be fine.

Hey community,

I was testing the current Maratis version from SVN and noticed, that the 'LookAt' behaviour does not work anymore.
I tested this with Windows 7 64 bit and openSUSE 12.3 64 bit. Everything else worked fine.


Hello community,

I am currently working on a GUI for my game with lua. I ran into problems while using rayHit to detect the selected component (a button in this case). I have all GUI stuff in another scene called gui-scene.

My question: Is it possible to use rayHit with objects from another scene? If yes, which camera would I need to calculate the ray (probably the camera of gui-scene)?



(10 replies, posted in Showcase)

com3D: The launcher needs Qt to be installed. Maybe you don't have it.

I will add system requirements to the description on my website.

Thank you for testing smile



(10 replies, posted in Showcase)

I'm working on some sort of ingame GUI with options like 'Restart' etc.
I will release it in a couple of days (I haven't enough time at the moment sad)


EDIT: I need some people testing my game on Linux. I tested it on openSUSE and Ubuntu but testing is never bad wink


(10 replies, posted in Showcase)

I can reproduce it. It happens whenever you start it from a drive other than C:.
Please copy it to your C: drive and retest.

I will see what's wrong with it wink


EDIT: I noticed that lua doesn't add the drive to the home path properly (using getenv). It should be fixed now.


(10 replies, posted in Showcase)

I fixed it. I forgot to handle spaces in the path of the executable.

It should work now wink



(10 replies, posted in Showcase)

What OS version do you use? I had some issues with Windows 8. It works fine with Windows XP (at least in my vm wink).

Thank you for testing smile

EDIT: I just checked the error with the missing dll. It shouldn't happen since the dll is delivered with the game.


(10 replies, posted in Showcase)

Hello community,

I was working on my little game for some time now and I think it is ready to be shown wink

You have to destroy a building with little bombs. But you have to be carefull: You only get points if the pieces get into the green area!

You can find it on my website:



(7 replies, posted in Gossip)

Another major problem I see in future is the lack of C++ documentation. There is almost none in the wiki and manually reading the whole engine code is very time consuming.


==> -- NB: The text file must be located in the same directory as binaries, ie :
That would explain why it couldn't find the file wink

Thanks for your advice big_smile


Hello community,

I want to read a configuration file from outside the npk via lua into my game.

First: Is that possible?
Second: How do have to do that?



(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Guys, if you want to test my newest programs/games you now can go to: http://sponk-stuff.bplaced.net/index.php

I wrote the site by myself so please give me feedback about the structure, design etc.



(15 replies, posted in Engine)

I fixed a bug affecting people using two joysticks at the same time.

Patch: http://pastebin.com/XCpGUDWB



(15 replies, posted in Engine)

usmangani289: Thanks for your feedback!

About the reconnect: It does not work because the joystick gets initialized once the game starts. Reconnecting could lead to undefined behaviour. I will see whether I can make some PnP detection to detect reconnected and newly connected devices.

About the 'precision mode': I don't think I could do something about it. I get data from the driver as it comes. I don't change anything about the values. If the button was common for all joysticks I could try to emulate the wanted behaviour but I think it's not that common for a joystick to even have this button.

I read about the vibration feature but I don't know how to expose it to the Maratis SDK since there is no engine support for that yet (As far as I know).

Thanks for you feedback big_smile
I will see what I can do about your 'problems' wink
