(12 replies, posted in General)

Tutorial Doctor wrote:

I like that a lot Zester!
PunBB bbcode test

I was having issues with this one (weight painting), because it seems makeHuman exports geometry that is underneath other geometry. For example, the teeth are behind the head. And automatic weight mapping doesn't get it. So I have to edit the vertex group (best to do this rather than weight painting).

Enough of the female meshes now, I have to get some more male meshes. I will see how they turn out. The first game will be only a male mesh, and the 2nd a male and female one. Or I might do both. We'll see.

Did you do that one in Blender? Makes me want to try a level like that in Sculptris (Not comfortable enough yet with Blender.)

Yah its really easy, all I did was create a "Plane" go into edit mode and "W + 1" <- Subdivide the plane a few times. Then I randomly selected faces and pulled them down and then randomly selected some more faces that haven't been moved yet and pulled them up. Then I went threw and just made hills and ditches more pronounced and rounded. Finally I created a texture and uv mapped it and with a red brush drew a line(path)  and then I went back into edit mode and made the path flat, and where the path meets a hill I made a ledge to climb etc.


(12 replies, posted in General)

Cool, I am working on Terrains and Level Design.

This is a Platform Type Terrain. It looks small due to the low texture resolution but its actually fairly large. 
There is lots of places to run, jump, climb, fall. There is a couple of tunnels.  Lots of places for traps. If you flip the terrain over you have a completely new Platform Type Terrain and just need to load a new texture map lol.



(12 replies, posted in General)

I was going to say TD that "Animation" isn't hard "Walk Cycles" are hard, "Organic Movement" is hard especially when you know exactly how the human body moves and reacts to different situations. There is no faking it you eather git it right or you don't.

Note:  For clothing, use the "Shrinkwrap Modifier" and adjust the "Offset" to get a good fit, after parenting the clothes to your rig "Weight Paint" to adjust the amount your clothes deform during movement."  I haven't mastered Weight Painting(Haven't Spent allot of time using it). So you might have to refer to some tutorials.

Weight Paint will also help on your character mesh I see some folding in the joints on her arms.

Blender takes some time to get use to and I have no idea how long you have been using it, but your already into some fairly advanced stuff. Most beginners use blender for 2 years before even thinking about animation much less rigging and actually animating something.

decent walk animation

I want to see that. If its your first you just might have a natural talent for animation, Manual Animation is almost unheard of these days except for people like use who cant afford to eather build a mocap rig or buy a mocap rig. That's usually the first thing most game developers purchase after developing a successful game.


(9 replies, posted in Engine)

com3D wrote:

Hey Zester,

Did you check the Proton SDK ?

I've heard about the Proton SDK on the irrlicht forums I do believe, but never used it personally.


(3 replies, posted in Gossip)

0.0 I am working as fast as I can!!!!!!!! lol


(18 replies, posted in Engine)

com3D wrote:

Comparison between Scons & premake builds on linux:

File size for MaratisEditor, MaratisPlayer, libMCore, libMEngine:
premake:    9.86 Mo (player=2.59)
Scons:       15 Mo (player=3.76)

Sound doesn't work with Scons build, works with premake.

I noticed that to when I was working on the premake scripts.


(18 replies, posted in Engine)

com3D wrote:

Everything is working except publishing.
And for the first time I have sound now working in linux.

Last time I checked publishing just wasn't working for me on my linux system in general. Npk was the problem, I planed on removing
Npk from my branch anyways so it didn't matter. 

Npk is just a tar/gzip compressed archive that uses the xxtea cipher for encryption.

Plain old zip files are just faster than tar/gzip and do the same thing(Archiving/Compression). And xxtea is vulnerable to plaintext attack requiring 259 queries and negligible work. In my opinion its a useless addition to Maratis.

I was just going to add Zip File Support, AES 256 Encryption and SQLCipher a Open Source SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES full database encryption.

So I could pack and encrypt the files I wanted in a zip file and store and encrypt game settings and progress in a database.


(1 replies, posted in Off-Topic)

Awww wink No problem TD I enjoy helping others out.


(18 replies, posted in Engine)

Awesome!!! and great job. It looks like its time for me to start on the new Qt tools.

Thank you, Thank you wink Static Terrains are ........ SOOOOO HARD. Getting them to look right just seems to be an impossible task. Considering I have been working on trying to make that RAGE terrain anael showed us for a YEAR lol.

I am getting ready to start the Terrain Creation and Texture Painting tutorial, using only Blender. But I need a little bit more practice.

This is what I am producing now, there are no Normal or Spec maps being used here just a Diffuse. and is 2607 polys

What do you think?

Vegas wrote:
zester wrote:

You can use "H" to hide the different parts, but there all part of one mesh so the individual pieces are not in the "Outliner" once you "hide" them you can not "unhide" them. At-least I don't know how.

It's Alt+H to unhide, i just tried right now, that's working wink

Cool and thanks I will start to use that, will save on time for sure.

Tutorial Doctor wrote:

That's it! One of my first posts on this forum was that I like to make BASE MODELS. A base model is a model that is a base for a character that can be edited a little to become unique.

It is sorta like that proxy mesh of makehuman. Not too much detail to be complicated to adjust, but not too much to be unique already.

I like your style! haha.

Yup and as long as the mesh is nice and clean, you can make whatever you need in as many styles as you wish. Leave the real detail to Texture Painting and UV Maps.

I went back and made a new wine bottle from scratch same type, but this time as I was making it I stopped duplicated my bottle at two different stages and made a bowl and a ceramic pot.

I can now take the bowl and make a frying pan and a plate.


Like so.


I might make a "Spiked Club" from the wine bottle and a "Shield" from the plate.


(15 replies, posted in Showcase)

Tutorial Doctor wrote:

Added another test level HALLWAY

We should work together on assets and tutorials. You appear to be good at things I am not. I like your interior(indoors) models mine never turn out right.

Tutorial Doctor wrote:

Zester, you do some very clean modeling. I am trying to do some box modeling now, but I don't feel I can make anything. I mean I made an ottoman:
PunBB bbcode test

But I can only do it with rectilinear shapes. I was wondering if you have a specific workflow. I see that using mainly extrude with edge loops gives a neat look, but how would I do that for something like, say, your models?

I will see your ottoman and raise you one wine bottle!!

Honestly, I would have to write a modeling tutorial and make a few different objects. So you could see how I model. I generally only use planes and cubes. And I normally will only use one object and duplicate a part of that objects mesh to make what I need.

Or I will take a model I did and make different models from that. Example the above wine bottle will be used to make 20 - 30 wqine bottles all different shapes and sizes. I also see a food object "Turkey or Chicken Leg (Drum Stick)"  I see the base for a "Grenade" etc.

Most things are fairly quick those houses take about 30-60 min each things that only have a couple parts can take as little as a few seconds. I made that wine bottle particularly for your question it took less than a min. Modeling, Materials, UV Unwrapping, AO Mapping.

Vegas wrote:

Ew, by im not sure what to do, i meant im not sure what visual style i pick (realistic or cartoonish)
But thanks anyway tongue

About that little tutorial, wouldn't it be better to separate pieces then just use "H" to hide the parts you don't need, so you don't have to move anything ?

Lol sorry about that, I am sure someone will come here and find this post and be like "Awsome" I was wondering how to do that.

You can use "H" to hide the different parts, but there all part of one mesh so the individual pieces are not in the "Outliner" once you "hide" them you can not "unhide" them. At-least I don't know how.

Vegas wrote:

Amazing stuff, thank you ! i will give a try at texturing them, even if i'm not sure what to do,
hesitating between this style or something similiar than in the picture you posted

I intentionally left them unpainted, these models are a form of kit that allow you to build an endless combination of different medieval style "Buildings and Environments", I was instead going to upload my collection of textures that can be used to texture paint the buildings. And created the Texture Painting Tutorial below.

Just use the same method I posted here http://forum.maratis3d.com/viewtopic.php?id=791 for Texture Painting.

Read the whole thing, I tell you how to use "Texture Atlas" for "Auto UV Unwrapping/Texture Mapping/Baking an AO Map"
and what plugin I use to generate "Normal/Specular/Displacement" maps using Gimp and where to get the plug-in.

If you go into "Edit Mode" -> "Face Select Mode"

Put your "Mouse Cursor" over the piece you want then "Press the L Key" on your keyboard, that will select the the
part you want. Do this for each piece you want to separate.

Here I choose to select the "Lattice"

Grab the X,Y or Z part of your "Gizmo" and move the section of the model out of the way.

Do this for all parts needed.

Then just go into"Texture Paint Mode" and use the method I posted above.

After you save the texture you painted. Use the same method you used to separate the different pieces, to put it back together.

Tip: To avoid "Overspray" when texturing click "Face Selection Masking for Painting" I circled it in red and "Right Click on the Face" you want to select. and paint it, you can do this for each face or a group of faces.

Notice how only the "Selected Face" was painted and not the area to the left.


(9 replies, posted in External Tools)

O.O ummmmmm WOW that is a freaking sweet plugin!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!! Didnt know about that one. And I suck at Animating.

If you need custom Skybox's any color,size,quality,... even HDR (OpenEXR) to use in Luminance HDR http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/

Let me know I can make them for you. I am going to just start making random ones and put them on the wiki.

First one is up this is a low quality version 8164x6139 png


Not sure how I feel about this one I will more than likely, create a 2nd version with a few changes. But anyways here is another.

Here is what theres looks like.

And here are what mine looks like.

Another Model Completed.

Here is what theres look like.

And here are what mine look like.


(56 replies, posted in Editor)

com3D wrote:

Finally got a "Hello world !" display without altering the default main.cpp big_smile

However the above error happens almost all the time and for now I don't know why it sometimes works...

Recompile glfw as a "Shared Library" and link against that. Static linking is only for special cases on Linux and in many cases wont work correctly.

I have an Ogre project. I built an easy to use SDK that came with all the library's compiled statically, and were included. I constantly got "Undefined Reference" errors  even thou I had all required headers included, I was linking properly with required libs and even in the correct order. Didn't matter sometimes it worked sometimes not. Eventually I had to resort to asking for help.

Ogre Devs Question
The first question they asked me. "Are these libs static builds"?

Ummm yahh.

Final Response from Ogre Devs
Ogre static builds are for windows, use the shared libs build option.

Same goes for SFML and countless other projects.


(9 replies, posted in Engine)

Crucio777 wrote:

i can/want to help out with windows , but i am nothing good  i am quite intermediate programmer who is free to learn and help big_smile but some expert needs to help me out a bit .

No programming needed, Just need someone who can compile Maratis on windows.


(9 replies, posted in Engine)

anael wrote:

Thanks zester,
I'm not convince yet to replace the external libs by Poco but :

I will totally appreciate your help to test and clean the experimental premake build system for Windows :
- correct/clean the premake files if needed
- make sure premake for windows can generate a working visual studio project
- make sure it also works with MinGW (gcc compiler for windows)

My main system is Macosx so I can test and compile for this platform.

Finally we will need a linux contributor, is someone interested ?
- be sure premake generate a good makefile
- test the compatibility of the binary on some common linux distributions

Current state of the test : http://forum.maratis3d.com/viewtopic.php?pid=5339#p5339

Poco isn't a problem that was just a suggestion, I use that now because it's basically Qt's Core library's without all the dependence's.

I used windows for a little bit, because of Unity3D but I couldn't stand the fact that the commandline in windows is just terrible,  programming on windows is just in general terrible.

I am that Linux programmer you always wanted see: https://qt-project.org/member/2183 but I will try lol what happend to Nistur wasnt he the Windows Guy?

I will totally appreciate your help to test and clean the experimental premake build system for Windows :
- correct/clean the premake files if needed
- make sure premake for windows can generate a working visual studio project
- make sure it also works with MinGW (gcc compiler for windows)

No problem here.

Finally we will need a linux contributor, is someone interested ?
- be sure premake generate a good makefile
- test the compatibility of the binary on some common linux distributions