(7 replies, posted in External Tools)

I have been using insanebump, but mine doesn't look like that. Have they updated it in he past few months?

Also, there is a standalone version of insanebump that does presents the maps in realtime.

This editor is just too buggy and glitchy for me right now. The interface (with the windows '95) sorta throws off the experience also.

But, I do like that there is active progress. I'll keep an eye on it.


(0 replies, posted in Showcase)

This is a test game for the new Maratis Starter Pack I am trying to create.

Watch the Demo Video:

Left Mouse : Shoot
Right Mouse: Reload (not functional yet)
Middle Mouse: Flashlight


https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/109 … esRoom.zip


(0 replies, posted in Scripting)

I will update this post with a collection of sound scripts I am working on.

The first one I made was a script that plays a sound after a number of seconds. This script scared me, because you can't really anticipate the sound.



knock = getObject("Knock")
 i = 0

function soundOnTimer(seconds,sound)
    i = i + 1
    t = i/60
    if t > seconds then
         i = 0

function onSceneUpdate()


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hmm, I guess I am not going to be able to do that lumadare thing. I am just getting back to Maratis myself. I have been learning python elsewhere. I just now posted a small edit to the Sponza level to help with 1st person camera movement.

I am thinking about re-doing the Maratis Starter pack to re-organize the scripts.

I will have a main.lua file that includes other lua files for specific tasks such as animation:

Something like:






(1 replies, posted in Scripting)

I put the functions in separate file and linked it using the "dofile()" function


(1 replies, posted in Scripting)

I wanted to adjust the Sponza 1st person script so that it can be used in other projects easier. Here is the code:

-- Maratis
-- Jules script test

Head = getObject("Head")

function Initialize()
    dx = 0.0
    dy = 0.0

    mx = getAxis("MOUSE_X")
    my = getAxis("MOUSE_Y")


function LookWith(object)

    -- rotate object (X mouse)
    rotate(object, {0, 0, -1}, dx*100)
    -- rotate object (Y mouse)
    rotate(object, {-1, 0, 0}, dy*100, "local")    
    rotation = getRotation(object)
    if rotation[1] > 90 then
        rotation[1] = 90
    elseif rotation[1] < -90 then
        rotation[1] = -90

    setRotation(object, rotation)
    -- get mouse direction
    dx = getAxis("MOUSE_X") - mx
    dy = getAxis("MOUSE_Y") - my

    -- center cursor
    mx = getAxis("MOUSE_X")
    my = getAxis("MOUSE_Y")

-- scene update
function onSceneUpdate()


(3 replies, posted in General)

Okay, It gets tedious breaking up an animation into groups of frames. Think I should just export one animation and control which part plays with code?

There are some much needed functions for animation in the Lua API, so I will have to make my own.

Things like:

Looping a group of frames
Blending animations (for transitions)


(2 replies, posted in General)

Looks nice. I am using sketch up for modeling right now myself. Also, since Cycles has baking now, I am trying to figure out how to adapt my workflow to use that.


(4 replies, posted in Gossip)

I am going to try to make a simple project today, to test my skills


(1 replies, posted in General)

Where are the script files in your projects? I can't find it in this one nor in the star challenge one

I can't remember exactly what I did, but I practically did nothing. I was wondering if it was a feature or not, because I rebooted it, and it still did it.

I will try later.

When I downloaded it, and ran it on Windows 8, every time I clicked in the scene, it created a camera.


(4 replies, posted in General)

No. I just want to detect collision with the contours of a character mesh, without physics calculations.


(0 replies, posted in External Tools)

I like to use sketchup for modeling. I have just found a great app for exporting UV unwrapped OBJs from sketchup. I will also post a list of other useful plugins later:


SketchUV Review:
After using this plugin a few times, I have to say it is a must! Topology is not triangulated as with the standard collada export. It also works for "Pre Trimble" versions of Sketchup. Applied Sketchup materials transfer over perfectly as well.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Will making an object a convex hull and setting it to ghost (if it is a character with complex geometry) give the effect of a ghost outline (a collision zone based on the contours of the mesh, and not the bounding box) ?


(1 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hmm. If I get a chance I can add some info on it.


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

I can bake in Reflections!



(1 replies, posted in Editor)

So, I found out that this issue is with Windows.

If I select several objects in blender, on Windows (with their various materials and such) and export them as a Maratis mesh, I always get a big error dialog. I figured it had something to do with the origin of the different entities being in different locations? So I had to export each object one by one.

However, on a Mac, when I do this, all of the objects get exported as one object, and the materials and textures are kept in tact. No error message.

So it is some issue with Windows, and not with the Mac?

I think I posted on a similar issue a while ago, but I have just been using the workaround (which wastes so much unnecessary time) .



(3 replies, posted in General)

Thanks! This will be useful rather than the trial and error method.

Is that a Sketchup model you are using? I am working on cresting a photo realistic scene using Blender's Chcles renderer, since we can bake to textures using it now


(2 replies, posted in General)

I created a small script that let's you toggle between top down and perspective view. I have been working on learning Python lately, so I haven't finished my starter pack yet.

Vegas helped me with a sound issue I had a while go, maybe this will help.



(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

It looks like using the method of the video, Blender only exports the materials, and not the textures, so I just saved the model as an obj, saved out the maps, and imported and reapplied them in another file (in Blender Render mode).


(0 replies, posted in General)

Will the exporter have to be updated for every update of blender? i can't get the exporter to work for Blender 2.71 (Mac Version)

I got it to work. I had multiple downloads of the plugin so the zip was renamed.


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)
