Assuming latest versions of Windows, you just right click > open with. I assume that's your question.
176 2013-02-04 20:54:01
Re: What does this stuff mean? Publishing problem (12 replies, posted in General)
177 2013-02-04 19:34:36
Re: Mutant (17 replies, posted in Showcase)
I had troubles last night with my drivers here in Windows 8, and sorted it all out today, yet Mar Ed is still sluggish, so I am going to download a older binary and see what happens.
I'll let this thread/bug reports know.
178 2013-02-04 16:39:16
Topic: Latest binary for Mar. Editor behaving strangely (12 replies, posted in Bug report)
EDIT EDIT: I tried archived Beta 3.1b as well, and its equally laggy when rotating grid in a empty scene. I know its not me, as blender which I have installed here as well, rotates the grid very quickly as I move it with mouse,and 6 + levels of subdivide don't slow down movement of plane much at all , or enough to be bothersome during that process, and given that level of SUBD I might expect it, but its as good as the 8800gtx was so far, so I don't suspect my system atm here. Also Diablo 3 is playing much better since yesterday, where I apparently had driver mix ups,and Diablo 2 is doing a lot better as well. I wish I had better news , as I know you are busy, but that's the best info I have at the moment.
Having buggy behavior with latest binary ( 3.1d) of Maratis Editor. Empty scenes rotate with obvious lag ( blender works with , with zero lag of that type, and subdivide levels work fine too as they did with my other VIdeo card).
I tried to play it, and as with Par's games, I have very bad performance issues in editor and in game especially.
Very puzzling, because I used to have no trouble with such things.
AS noted, if I can play a very intensive game such as Diablo 3, I should have no trouble using a game editor with nothing loaded, so maybe this latest version doesn't like AMD/ati cards or idea but there it is, and here comes my Systems specs:
PHenom II X4 3.2ghz, 8 gigs of ram, HD 4650 GPU , asrock MOtherboard , HD audio onboard and Western Digital Green 640gb hdd, all on Windows 8 64bit.
Btw, my HD 4650 isn't a super high end card, but as noted it plays Diablo 3 with no trouble at all,,,even in multiplayer mode with several people.
I will , as you noted in other thread, grab a different version of the Editor and let you know how it goes.
179 2013-02-04 16:32:31
Re: The Keepers of Radvdyn (Redwall/The Secret of NIMH inspired AA/RPG) (37 replies, posted in Showcase)
OK, I am altering this post because I have performance that is more on par with what it should be ( back to 8800gtx for now!: crossing fingers, and what a headache).
I find the navigation method is very frustrating though in your game, but I look fwd to trying it out soon.
The moving forward is very difficult, because it seems based on gravity or something, instead of precise movement or mouse clicks ? I had a very tough time moving , so I gave up.
If it were me, I would def. use the sponzaFTP as a guide, as that has what I consider wonderful , clean fast navigation, which of course could easily be fitted with a 3rd person view if you prefer. Either way , much easier to move or so I thought anyway. Just FYI.
180 2013-02-03 22:12:46
Re: My second game. A spacecraft game (11 replies, posted in Showcase)
I am still getting a very laggy in -editor experience, and game itself is VERY laggy.
I can't explain why, just is.
I hope others try it and let us know, and please if you do,verify your system specs and what version Maratis you are playing.
I can play Diablo 3 just perfectly fine with others online. TO get best experience I turn off shadows as this current HD 4670 is a tad weak compared to my 8800gtx that died recently. Still Diablo poses no threat short of shadows,so I doubt this lag is me.
181 2013-02-03 20:36:33
Re: My second game. A spacecraft game (11 replies, posted in Showcase)
You should warn people so they don't waste their time, that this doesn't run inside Editor as your other game does, meaning you run a batch file.
I tried running batch file therefore, and all I get is a all black screen, and when I click the mouse , it makes a weapons fire noise.
I tried to exit game, but was unable to, I suppose because I could not see anything on the screen (hm).
All other maratis games and commercial games work just fine here.
I look forward to trying it though
Good job, keep up the good work
182 2013-02-03 20:25:31
Re: Mutant (17 replies, posted in Showcase)
For me :
- Too much text, would be better to make a sliding menu or something, so the main screen stay clean
- Collisions have some problems, you can go through buildings
- Sound fix maybe : Took me a while to figure what was that hyper loud mechanic sound, i even thought it was the main character walk
- Graphics needs a boostOther than that, it's pretty interesting, keep going on
By the way, I have no performance issues here
The fact you have no performance issues to me anyway, only signals that you have a very powerful cpu/gpu , and not everyone is going to
I have a plenty powerful system ( gpu is on small side being HD 4670 atm because my other GPU died the other day) , being a Phenom II X4 3.2 Ghz, 8 gigs of ram and the gpu is listed above.
When I had the 8800gtx card in yesterday before crashing became obnoxious, even with that card ( which still holds up even against newest NVidia cards on the market btw), I had a very laggy experience in Martis editor, and in game was equally horrible.
What are your system specs that you are apparently not seeing any performance issues ?
183 2013-02-03 05:36:22
Re: Terrain and Landscape Study for Maratis (25 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
OK yup I understand totally. I wasn't sure is all, if you used default brushes ( as in textures: I think blender comes with a few built in ?) or if you loaded your own and assigned them in brushes section. I understand all the rest no problem at all.
You're right, with a few simple tools you can make something decent
I had no luck getting anything I texture painted inside Maratis, so I look fwd to knowing the way. If you know, what exactly is the difference between just texture painting and this brush method ? I think I recall Anael saying ( or somebody if not him) he wishes they would remove tex. painting as it wasn't a optimal way of doing things,etc.
184 2013-02-02 02:27:05
Re: Mutant (17 replies, posted in Showcase)
Can someone feedback me so I know what to better in this game?
I just tried it here on my PHenom II X4 3.2ghz, 8800gtx, 8 gigs ram, and it runs very slowly to the point I would not play it.
Great overall effort to be sure.
It is even Very slow inside Maratis itself.
Maybe as zester mentioned, you need to both:
reduce poly count of various things, and I wonder if your main 'terrain' mesh is far too large in that regard ?
If its not, and given the 'map' is very large ( took quite sometime to load in Maratis as well) I would highly suggest as well to split the mesh up into pieces inside blender , select all and the export again.
Definitely a great first outing here, keep up the good work
185 2013-01-31 20:22:06
Re: Terrain and Landscape Study for Maratis (25 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
@zester: terrain,
Not following you, and Im not a longtime user /fan of blender, but I'll try here: Were these brushes part of default blender, or did you find them online and add them to brush section, and if so is that a very involved process ?
Not everyone is a longtime blender /modeling user, sometimes we need a tiny bit of hand holding, but that doesn't mean we aren't capable , just new , but very interested If there is a TUT that covers the basic idea of what you did, that would be more than fine too. Just a quick start or such. I have an idea,so I will start on that for now. Anael was thinking you may have used gimp at some point, so if I understand you correctly you did it all in blender,just using brushes and prob. loading in your own textures for them. I say that because your terrain texture near bridge, doesn't look like any brushes I've seen in blender, so maybe you did touch them up in gimp or PS ?
186 2013-01-30 20:05:20
Re: Terrain and Landscape Study for Maratis (25 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)
The water with the bridge looks really good !
There is this terrain test done for the game Rage that I found interesting :
At some point I did a test with Blender and height map to generate a terrain, and I found some reference of real world elevation :
This sort of data can be combined with a basic height map to add details.
Can you elaborate, on how data from the johnflower site, can add 'detail' to a existing heightmap ?
The data from johnflower seems to just be heightmaps ( which is the realworld data you refer to) ,so Im confused atm what you mean.
Also,and this isn't entirely fair to ask you ,,,Zester I think is away doing dev work on Ubuntu phone,so could you possibly elaborate on how he made/applied his terrain texture ? It has several textures which wouldn't be ideal/easy for average person to deal with given faik, it mandates shaders,,did he possibly just texture the terrain inside a paint app and bring that uvmap back in or just update it.
187 2013-01-22 00:58:55
Re: Best performance (4 replies, posted in General)
That should put you on the right track at least.
" If in Blender you split your mesh in multiple objects and export as 1 mesh it can work good (it will create sub-mesh in the mesh format wich are drawn only if visible).
You can use normal mapping to add visual relief if you want to limit triangles.
You can also bake lighmap in blender and use the texture as Emit texture.
188 2013-01-19 09:00:59
Re: Mutant (17 replies, posted in Showcase)
I went to have a look, and mediafire doesn't bring anything up.
Mediafire isn't my favorite,it riddled with ads and has a odd way of presenting the download.
Regardless, its not working here. I tried several times, and I got no prompt for download, and I gave up after that.
189 2013-01-12 18:56:42
Re: need help with blender. (9 replies, posted in General)
The problem's going to take me ( and the average user ) months to just learn blender , and then months to learn maratis, well enough to do anything with it.The other two that compete with this are Dxstudio and Shiva. DX = outdated hunk of junk, and you can't make commercial stuff with Shiva. I'd like to use this. My old game engine was abandoned by its creator.....
I'd rather just learn Maratis than having to toss another layer of difficulty on top of it.
Thankfully Anael is creating code ( should be in place soon in SVN ?) that will allow most formats to come into maratis, namely collada, so that should fix most issues for 3d work, at least in theory depending on the quality of said importer , all working through assimp > maratis.
You can checkout the forum post about it here:
Hope this helps. THis should make using your modeler of choice easier, and this should be a fix for most people, as I too have been hoping for something similar
190 2013-01-08 21:54:17
Re: The Keepers of Radvdyn (Redwall/The Secret of NIMH inspired AA/RPG) (37 replies, posted in Showcase)
gamemaker wrote:zester wrote:Ummm no all I did was model and paint it lol no programming needed. I did bake Ambient Occlusion and then "color to alpha" those textures in gimp to remove the white background so all I was left with was the shadows and then applyed those to my diffuse textures.
You should be able to do that with any 3D Modeling Tool and Image Editing Program
Let me get a couple more house done then ill write a tutorial.
All I meant was that I thought in order to get a mesh into maratis that has been painted with more than one texture, that you needed a shader, and it looks like your ground has at least 2.
GmNo its just one.
Yea, done in gimp no doubt. I waS thinking in terms of multi texturing in a 3d modeling program , which allows the most flexibility ( for painting on precise places on a uvmap), but given this is just a simple flat mesh (ground), its no big deal.
191 2013-01-08 19:46:59
Re: The Keepers of Radvdyn (Redwall/The Secret of NIMH inspired AA/RPG) (37 replies, posted in Showcase)
Ummm no all I did was model and paint it lol no programming needed. I did bake Ambient Occlusion and then "color to alpha" those textures in gimp to remove the white background so all I was left with was the shadows and then applyed those to my diffuse textures.
You should be able to do that with any 3D Modeling Tool and Image Editing Program
Let me get a couple more house done then ill write a tutorial.
All I meant was that I thought in order to get a mesh into maratis that has been painted with more than one texture, that you needed a shader, and it looks like your ground has at least 2.
192 2013-01-08 05:24:07
Re: The Keepers of Radvdyn (Redwall/The Secret of NIMH inspired AA/RPG) (37 replies, posted in Showcase)
How are you doing the multitexturing on ground? I presume you use blender, so are you using the custom shader pipeline in exporter ? *I'll be doing some of that myself fairly soon, so if its something you can share that would help a great deal. We aren't all programmers
193 2013-01-08 05:19:59
Re: need help with blender. (9 replies, posted in General)
It seems as though you are suggesting he not use another modeler, just blender, to avoid the hasle of export/import, and that simply seemed a bit counter intuitive to me for other modelers out that simply may not find blender usable. That's why most engines have multiple paths to content
I'ts really no big deal, just a observation
194 2013-01-06 19:18:32
Re: need help with blender. (9 replies, posted in General)
Resorting to pure blender to make it 'work' in maratis is really a bad mesasage to be sending, given we have a great working exporter for max 2013, and it is THERE , in the max forum that you should be asking for help
Someone coming here and not realizing there are such exporters could give them the wrong idea.
Have fun
195 2013-01-02 21:15:07
Re: Add-on for Blender : bake light maps for entire scene (12 replies, posted in External Tools)
gamemaker wrote:Im hardly a pro at blender, but why is a plugin needed for entire blender by default doesn't 'light' entire scene when you apply a map, and without plugin makes it hard to do that ?
The script makes one Texture Atlas for all objects. In other words the script unwraps entire scene into one UV.
gamemaker wrote:When you are on a budget things can get iffy, and while its wonderful that blender exists for those with few funds, Im also finding that I really like Truespace 7.61 beta8 ( has never crashed ), which I find can do everything ( or very close to it) blender/max can, and a lot more.
I love blender it does everything I need and not only that programs like "Truespace", "Milkshape" and 3DSMax are not cross platform.
gamemaker wrote:If I could wish for a new feature for maratis, I think it would be to ease the restriction on needing blender to finalize a export for other modelers to avoid the blender necessity. I think that holds maratis back a lot.
gamemaker wrote:P.S.- I've seen some amazing plugins for max that don't exist in such a form for blender, even if they aren't free, so while free is nice, its not always optimal
I think I've seen a forest system plugin for max that i'd LOVE, and nothing like it for blender. That's what I'm getting at,,things like that.
I think what your really trying to say is that you dont like blender. I feel the same about 3DSMax and Photoshop!!!!
What I think about blender is irrelevant actually, and the fact I was trying to get at, which I stated I thought pretty clearly, were that maratis IS held back imho, due to its insistence on blender finalization. Max is the only tool atm that has someone working on it ( only if you have the very recent version, everyone else is out of luck: I get why, authors time is limited, etc..,), so short of blender and max, you are out of luck,,unless you don't mind holding your nose and using blender as the final 'tool'. I"d rather not
196 2012-12-24 16:11:03
Re: Add-on for Blender : bake light maps for entire scene (12 replies, posted in External Tools)
Im hardly a pro at blender, but why is a plugin needed for entire blender by default doesn't 'light' entire scene when you apply a map, and without plugin makes it hard to do that ?
When you are on a budget things can get iffy, and while its wonderful that blender exists for those with few funds, Im also finding that I really like Truespace 7.61 beta8 ( has never crashed ), which I find can do everything ( or very close to it) blender/max can, and a lot more.
If I could wish for a new feature for maratis, I think it would be to ease the restriction on needing blender to finalize a export for other modelers to avoid the blender necessity. I think that holds maratis back a lot.
P.S.- I've seen some amazing plugins for max that don't exist in such a form for blender, even if they aren't free, so while free is nice, its not always optimal I think I've seen a forest system plugin for max that i'd LOVE, and nothing like it for blender. That's what I'm getting at,,things like that.
197 2012-12-24 00:29:40
Re: blender exporter not loading in 2.64 (5 replies, posted in External Tools)
Major false alarm, very sorry..its working fine now.
198 2012-12-23 21:49:51
Re: blender exporter not loading in 2.64 (5 replies, posted in External Tools)
THanks damnvC, but no luck, as 2.65a still isn't getting it done , as though I got no errors during addon install from file ( zip file, didn't uncompress it first), its still not showing up when I search for Martis in search field inside prefs.
199 2012-12-23 19:36:24
Topic: blender exporter not loading in 2.64 (5 replies, posted in External Tools)
Hi all
Downloaded latest 3.1d blender exporter, and trying to addon inside prefs, gives no errors,but also doesn't show up inside prefs when I search for mar.
Any ideas ?
200 2012-12-08 00:50:40
Re: Making a game (5 replies, posted in General)
I am making a sports game, that will use several 2d menu's. I was wondering if anyone has found any good tools for making menu's. Or am I stuck trying to make them in a 3d prog?
You say stuck, as if its a bad thing ;)heh
Seriously speaking and pragmatically as well, learn 3d if you haven't already.
It's not that difficult, and you will need the skill, unless you have lots of money or coercion skills to get someone ELSE
todo it for you..good luck on that!
If you don't like blender, there are tons of choices like art of illusion ( which I love) and truespace which I find absolutely fascinating and awesome.
Both are easily found googling, and both are free and you can easily extend both if you wish.
Personally I think truespace, which Microsoft no longer in involved with at all, is stunning software, and if you have a current half way decent machine, its stunning. THe interface may take a bit of getting used to,but after that using it to make things is stunningly fast.
Blender is prob. a favorite here along with 3ds max given the awesome exporter the forum author has made for max , and he deserves a lot of credit for doing it.
If you have max, I urge you to use that,but if not and blender isn't to your liking as its not mine personally, I found truespace to be stunning and highly functional and powerful:
Other 3d options as vegas noted are adequate if you don't want anything fancy I guess, but 3d is always a good thing to have under your belt