How are you today heartseed:
On documentation:
True, it does need a little more documentation, or at least a pdf file with what IS available on a wiki. But I might do that myself anyhow (at least the lua part).
On Features:
True, it will take a good c++ user to add some features needed. For instance, someone wondered how to get the global location of a child object. Another wondered how to get an object to cast shadows, but the object next to it not to cast shadows. (The light determines the shadow casting, where as the objects should have a ''Cast shadows off'' switch).
On terrain:
Actually, I can get terrain easily, and a more accurate terrain by using Google Sketchup and exporting it right into Maratis (I have a post on it). I even prefer that to Unity. So terrain is not a big deal. It's a three step process. MODEL IT, EXPORT IT, IMPORT INTO MARATIS. And I like the fact that Maratis doesn't have all these types of features in it. It should remain a host for files, but not try to be the BE ALL (Blender tries to be the BE ALL, and it sorta has to).
I think more work needs to be on the IMPORT options and SUPPORT options. Keep Maratis as basic as you can, and just make it a host for game making. I mean, it's a game engine, but it shouldn't be a modeling engine or an animation engine, etc. Then people can use their own modeling software and just load it into Maratis.
On dynamic lighting:
The example with the teapot and the rotating lamp are truly all the dynamic lighting effects I need. The main thing needed is a little extra on the Redering aspect. But that can easily be solved by finding a decent free and open source renderer that can be integrated into Maratis. Yafaray, Kerkythea, etc
On Coding:
I think it would be wise to do some socializing in the Blender world. So many plugins in blender that are free and open source, I am sure at least someone can knows lua or enough about programming to do something awesome with it. Even though Blender uses Python, I think Lua is easier personally. Sketchup Exporter would be great too. Sketchup uses Ruby.
I'd try to convert some Blender script writers.
On Maratis:
Just yesterday I rigged a model in blender and go the animation into Maratis EASILY! That's all I really need. As far as Rendering, I am going to bake my light and textures into some of my static meshes and use the idea from that teapot scene to get whatever dynamics I need.
In other words, it only takes a little creativity, and even with the lacking features and terrain and whatever else, I truly feel I can make a WORTHWHILE game with Maratis, even at it's present state (And it doesn't take much effort as far as the technical side is concerned) and that is exciting!
(And believe me, I am a real novice. haha)