
(49 replies, posted in General)

Hi there !

Invisible bounding box :
In the entities properties there is an "invisible" button to push on. So in the examples, the bounding boxes are in fact just box exported from blender, imported as an entity, and set as "invisible". You can use the mesh you want, like a sphere for example. An invisible mesh can also be used as a trigger when set as "ghost" (physics properties).

Feet box :
It's just a logic thing, if you want to know if the player touch the ground it is a simple way to do it. Because if you test if the main box is colliding with the room, it will detect also when colliding with the walls (we don't want). Because the main box is larger than the feet box, the feet box only touch the ground.

Gui and images :
Idea is to attach your GUI to the camera (look at the "video tour" in the website to see how to attach objects). If your GUI is 2d, just do a quad in blender and set your image as the diffuse texture. On Maratis, import your GUI as entities, turn the objects to face the camera and attach to the camera.

> it's not a pretty solution but it's the only one working without coding. Best way is to manage the GUI using a game plugin in C++. I'll try to release more examples.

Display mouse :
It's possible only using the game plugin system.

SkyBoxes :
A very simple way is to create a box in blender. To render skybox texture, render 6 images with a 45 degree fov camera, West, Est, North, South, Up and Down. Then Put each texture in the sides of the box. Set the textures as diffuse, and put material "Emit" at (1, 1, 1).

> Import the mesh in Maratis, go to the behavior tab and add a "Follow" behavior. Set the camera name as the target, set delay to 0. Scale the skybox to fit the clipping max of the camera. The skybox will follow the camera position but will not rotate with t, so it's the definition of a skybox.

If you have more question don't hesitate.

video tour : http://www.maratis3d.org/?p=477
how to make a game plugin : http://www.maratis3d.org/?p=500


(64 replies, posted in General)

Hi, thank you,

if someone here is familiar with linux compiling and window creation on linux (for the MWindow port) it would be nice to contact or team with tulakalbeyo and dbacchet.

I'm not used to linux, my investigation resumed to think about using GLFW code to port MWindow class (I used GLFW mac code for the macOSX MWindow)

GLFW code can be downloaded there : http://www.glfw.org/
GLFW linux code is in "lib/x11/" (most reusable code is in x11_window.c)



(1 replies, posted in News)

Some news posted on the website :

Maratis/Blender video tour :

How to create a Game plugin :

You can also follow www.maratis3d.org news using rss :


(9 replies, posted in Scripting)

Yes, i agree for the environment, it's globally not a pretty technique. Stay in touch with the website news, I will publish more example and post process will be one.


(9 replies, posted in Scripting)

for cell shading, you can do it using a glsl shader that you link using blender and custom material,
like example named "cartoon t-pot". Look in "Example/Demos/shaders/" for glsl simple cartoon example.

For outlines, it depend on the technique you want to use,
but it will generally be a post process effect comparing pixels depth and/or normals.

Post process is not implemented as a one clic feature yet,
it can only be done manually using c++ and game plugin,
I'm working on a example for this, I hope to finish it soon.

If you are not programming, there is a "cheap" technique to do outlines,
it's not very evolved but it can give good results and doesn't need shaders.
Using blender, you duplicate your mesh, scale it a little bit and reverse the normals,
you then apply to this copy a black material. The copy will create an outilne thanks to z-buffer,
it is not a pretty technique, but it has been used in lots of commercial games.
(in blender, make sure to disable "double sided" for both meshs)


(5 replies, posted in External Tools)

ho yes, it's a very cool project, it can be a good additional way to link with blender, the approach is different but interesting.


(1 replies, posted in Gossip)

Hi there,
it will be a great feature to consider, im personally not having the knowledge to do it,
but it will be kept in mind, maybe someone with experience on this level will be interested to help.



(8 replies, posted in Engine)

Hi, it's first because i was not able to do what i wanted with the existing tools in 2001-2002, i wanted to do special rendering like i did for the small game "Le jardin de mirabelle". I was first doing this tool for my personal projects, as a drawer an 3d artist.

It's true that today there is a lot more possibility and good open source engines. As game creation tool, there is not so much things user-oriented so i think it can be interesting to continue in this way.

smile cheers


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hi, is it possible you opened the example from a previous release with the new release ?
as it use a dll or a dylib, it need to be rebuild for each new release.


(1 replies, posted in Engine)


yes, mesh is the same for each cube, materials too,
there is no entities-materials, but you can duplicate the mesh and apply each copy to a different cube.

- or by using a different .mesh file where you can change the material value using a text editor or Blender

- or by code, creating a MMeshRef manually :

MMeshRef * meshRef = MMeshRef::getNew(NULL, filename);
level->getMeshManager()->addRef(meshRef); // force without checking if the mesh already exist


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

great links about unreal, it will be nice to have videos and tutorials for Maratis you right,
it is time consuming but I'm doing my best. Next month will see the first step of it.

For this open-tutorial idea, it is too soon that's right, and maybe not relevant,
just an idea for the future I wanted to discuss.

I'm planning to make a tutorial explaining how to redo one of the example packed
with Maratis for beginning of March. Next will be more detailed documentation.



(6 replies, posted in News)


1 - Idea is to import your gui as a mesh, or using the Text object, then to place it in front of the camera, where you want the GUI to be visible. When this is done, you select the camera first, then the GUI objects you want to attach and do "Edit > Link selection".
So the GUI objects will be attached to the camera.

2 - Textures and meshs are not hidden yes. There is a plan to pack all the data in the future. A contributor will be helpful for doing that faster.

3 - Yes I'll do some tutorial to make it clear.


(6 replies, posted in News)


for HUD, there is a basic topic about it (with only script, you can link HUD to camera) :

For special effect and texture animation :
- Some of this can be animated in blender (export material anim and texture anim)
- And from code, it can be done using c++ SDK (using a game plugin, like WaterGameDemo)

Using c++ can look complicated, but once you get the basic understanding, it's not more complex than using the lua scripting language as you can also access simple functions.

To publish your game as a standalone, here is a topic explaining it (second post) :


(6 replies, posted in News)

A new release of Maratis is ready, including a new example :





(9 replies, posted in Engine)

Example and new release are ready !

I'll describe soon how to reproduce this example in a tutorial.

Cheers !


(1 replies, posted in Scripting)

Check that you didn't scale the terrain (scale need to be 1.0 1.0 1.0),
for triangle-mesh collision, scaling is not supported in the actual version,

it will be added in the next release (code is already done).


(12 replies, posted in Bug report)

Hi, I'm not sure I understand but if you are saying you are not able to unpack the downloaded zip file, I tried just now and it looked all right, but it's maybe an issue from google-code, try downloading it later :



(1 replies, posted in Scripting)


getNumCollisions return how much objects are colliding,
in the Jules example, it returns the number or objects colliding the "Feet" box,
it returns 1 minimum because "Feet" is always touching "Player" (it's a ghost so it's just use as a collision test).

So if the returned number is more than 1, you know that the character is touching some ground.


(11 replies, posted in Gossip)

Hi !

Idea is to create quality examples and short open games licensed under creative commons, like The Blender foundation can do with his open-projects, but more focused on education/tutorials.

Making a "pure" open-game is also one idea, but maybe education is the first step, that's a taught.

Why funded and sponsored ? Because producing content need support and time, and open-source people are also eating !

This topic is about a taught, I'm waiting some responses/comments,
let me know what is your opinion about it.



(9 replies, posted in Engine)

Hi there !

I'm working on a new example using "Yo Frankie" models,
Yo Frankie is the first Blender foundation open-game.


I also used this time to improve drawing performance by using early-z rejection,
making this example running from 20 fps to 40 fps on my laptop, with 2 dynamic lights/shadows.
I will post more news soon on the website.




(2 replies, posted in Bug report)

There is something already on the Maratis google account, but I never used it :


Do you know if it's good ?


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

Hi !

Collision and physics settings happen in the property tab when you select an entity :


You can choose different shape mode, triangle-mesh is used only for static mesh.
You also have access to physics properties, mass, joints, etc.

If you want to use an entity as a trigger, you can select "invisible" and "ghost"

For scripting, you have some functions to know if there is a collision, one is "isCollisionBetween(obj1, obj2)".
There is not particle system implemented yet, it can be done manually using c++ SDK.
Depending what you need, you can maybe use texture animation for now, but that's not particles.

To pick up objects ? There is multiple way, the best would be to create a special behavior but you want to use script only.
With script, with the collision detection function, you will know if the player touch an object, you can then hide this object and enable a camera-linked weapon which is hidden by default.

I should add script functions yes, for now people can add custom functions with c++ SDK.
You can also make a list of functions you would like to see implemented and I will add it when I will have time.

There is no implemented script function to get fps number or editor option, that's not hard to do I'll try to add it.



(59 replies, posted in General)

thanks for the links.
Of course native terrain will be a great support, for now, the way is to create terrain as a mesh,
and as it is not making a so bad result, native terrain support is not on top of the list.

To help improving, the first thing I would like is to see people playing with Maratis and sharing the result in the forum,
to show what is possible and share experience.

Then, what will help is to contribute in the development :

- A Linux port will be very appreciated by users, it can be fast to do for an experimented Linux developer.
Only one class need to be ported, MGuiWindow (window init, input events etc) and maybe a #define/include will need to be added in MGLContext and MALContext.

- The other thing will be for an iOS and Android developer to share some code to link Maratis-Engine into a iOS or Android context. A simpler imageLoader and soundLoader will maybe need to be added for iOS, as it is not compatible LGPL (for DevIL and libsndfile).

- Helping doing a "one clic" project publishing : converting xml to binary, automatically copying project files + MaratisPlayer. And if iOS and Android port is done, automatically compiling app.

Another thing about using and playing with Maratis, the way the game plugin works, you have full access to the SDK (engine) in c++, you can use render to texture, draw triangles manually etc. If you really need a special feature, like LOD or adaptive terrain, if you have a developer in your team or if you are developer yourself, you can render terrain with your own code (using virtual MGame::draw()). So your game is having the feature you need, and you can then decide to share this code, to be included by default in the engine. that's why I'm saying the first thing to help is to try playing with it and doing game or demos.

I will try to make more examples to show how to use custom code inside a game plugin.

Thank you,


(64 replies, posted in General)


the linux port is not done yet, a volunteer is velcome, Merkoth there apparently started something,
we'll keep the news.


(5 replies, posted in General)

for the viewport there is not setting to change it for Editor, but for clear color of the game, it is set inside the camera setting, so your game background wont be blue smile