(12 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

How are you today heartseed:

On documentation:
True, it does need a little more documentation, or at least a pdf file with what IS available on a wiki. But I might do that myself anyhow (at least the lua part).

On Features:
True, it will take a good c++ user to add some features needed. For instance, someone wondered how to get the global location of a child object. Another wondered how to get an object to cast shadows, but the object next to it not to cast shadows. (The light determines the shadow casting, where as the objects should have a ''Cast shadows off'' switch).

On terrain:
Actually, I can get terrain easily, and a more accurate terrain by using Google Sketchup and exporting it right into Maratis (I have a post on it). I even prefer that to Unity. So terrain is not a big deal. It's a three step process. MODEL IT, EXPORT IT, IMPORT INTO MARATIS. And I like the fact that Maratis doesn't have all these types of features in it. It should remain a host for files, but not try to be the BE ALL (Blender tries to be the BE ALL, and it sorta has to).

I think more work needs to be on the IMPORT options and SUPPORT options. Keep Maratis as basic as you can, and just make it a host for game making. I mean, it's a game engine, but it shouldn't be a modeling engine or an animation engine, etc. Then people can use their own modeling software and just load it into Maratis.

On dynamic lighting:
The example with the teapot and the rotating lamp are truly all the dynamic lighting effects I need. The main thing needed is a little extra on the Redering aspect. But that can easily be solved by finding a decent free and open source renderer that can be integrated into Maratis. Yafaray, Kerkythea, etc

On Coding:
I think it would be wise to do some socializing in the Blender world. So many plugins in blender that are free and open source, I am sure at least someone can knows lua or enough about programming to do something awesome with it. Even though Blender uses Python, I think Lua is easier personally. Sketchup Exporter would be great too. Sketchup uses Ruby.

I'd try to convert some Blender script writers.

On Maratis:

Just yesterday I rigged a model in blender and go the animation into Maratis EASILY! That's all I really need. As far as Rendering, I am going to bake my light and textures into some of my static meshes and use the idea from that teapot scene to get whatever dynamics I need.

In other words, it only takes a little creativity, and even with the lacking features and terrain and whatever else, I truly feel I can make a WORTHWHILE game with Maratis, even at it's present state (And it doesn't take much effort as far as the technical side is concerned) and that is exciting!

(And believe me, I am a real novice. haha)


(20 replies, posted in General)

Thanks for that link heartseed! I don't know c++, but I want to just see how it is set up.


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

Crucio777 wrote:

drivers and constraints is it okay if we use them? i am sorry i really didnt understand what you said for ik, its used a lot in rigging ,so will ik rigs be fine for maratis 3d  ? thank you though i understood a little what i need to do
ill look into this more
please answer the above two questions,  thank you!

I actually just finished an IK rig. I am going to throw a little animation on it and see if I can get it into Maratis. Then I am going to report back.

EDIT: IK rigs WORK JUST FINE!! It seems as long as the drivers are moving the armature (as the armature itself has to be the thing animated) it will work.

However, I keyframed the IK bone, which is part of my rig. I don't know if I can keyframe the driver and still get it to work. I just learned how to rig today, so I am not good with drivers and such things.

Now... If only I can create a decent animation. hehe.


(12 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

heartseed wrote:
Tutorial Doctor wrote:

Hehe. Tell you the truth, I am just a novice programmer. I got a little frustrated trying to find an easy introduction for beginners, so I just took a little time to find something to compare it to.

I initially used the Movie Script analogy, but some ideas didn't flow well with that analogy. But since Snapguide is popular for recipes, I used that analogy, because most people on that site have a good idea of how recipes work.

I don't even know lua, but I have written two lua programs that work in Maratis. Go figure.

Thankfully the Maratis API is MUCH easier to figure out than Unity. (By the way I was looking at a unity tutorial when I stumbled across this engine. haha.)

Glad an actual programmer thought the tutorial was good. hehe. Thanks.

AS a beginner, you should consider putting your current work under 'showcase' so as to show others who come here ( and they WILL checkout showcase to see what h as been done so far , with this engine) what can be done by someone with next to no programming knowledge.

Thx wink

I definitely will heartseed! I am working on getting a decent workflow going. I am learning blender right now, but I will surely document what I am doing. I decided to only post what was done with Maratis in the showcase area, and while I have done a little here and a little there, I want what I post in the showcase area to be good and a selling point for Maratis itself.

I am actually in the process of rigging my BaseCharacters in Blender as I type!

Next is Animating and then IMPORTING INTO MARATIS!!

I know there are only a few people in these forums. But the hopefully I can convince people how easy it really is (And this is VERY easy compared to Unity)

Thanks for the tip!


(7 replies, posted in General)

Well, I just discovered the function that lets you render to a texture. To get the effect you could use that function.


(12 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Hehe. Tell you the truth, I am just a novice programmer. I got a little frustrated trying to find an easy introduction for beginners, so I just took a little time to find something to compare it to.

I initially used the Movie Script analogy, but some ideas didn't flow well with that analogy. But since Snapguide is popular for recipes, I used that analogy, because most people on that site have a good idea of how recipes work.

I don't even know lua, but I have written two lua programs that work in Maratis. Go figure.

Thankfully the Maratis API is MUCH easier to figure out than Unity. (By the way I was looking at a unity tutorial when I stumbled across this engine. haha.)

Glad an actual programmer thought the tutorial was good. hehe. Thanks.


(20 replies, posted in General)

I wish I could at least look at the Behaviors functions and all, but the links don't work on the wiki. They are all red. I wonder if there the documentation has been made into a pdf or something.


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

Made this model in less than 10 minutes by moving the vertices of the BaseWoman.

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test

You can also make cartoon Characters
PunBB bbcode test

And Equipment for the Characters simply by SHELL EXTRUDING the faces of the smoothed character.
PunBB bbcode test


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

You are welcome. I am going to make a photo of what is possible by simply shifting the vertices on the base mesh.


(4 replies, posted in External Tools)

This hut model was a 3d warehouse model saved using the OBJ exporter. I then imported it using the Maratis IMPORT 3D MODEL menu. No Blender. But I would like to bake the textures and shadows. That is the only reason I would go through Blender.

PunBB bbcode test

(Excuse the 3 dudes in the front)haha.


(4 replies, posted in External Tools)

Hehe. The Out > In > Out > In > Out process was just saving me from having to figure out why I was getting strange results. I don't have to do it every time. hehe.

I modeled this in Sketchup, exported it into Blender and then saved it as a Maratis Mesh.  However, the only way to get the Ambient Occlusion is to bake the shadows and texture onto the object. (I have been able to get a model into Maratis with ambient occlusion, but without textures). I don't know Blender that well yet.

I don't know what Assimp is, but I have seen a post on it. I will see what that is.

BTW. I have been checking out some of your stuff Vegas. hehe.


(5 replies, posted in Gossip)

I have been trying FOREVER to create a modable base character that can be easily adapted to any character shape. I have a good base working. I used WINGS3D to model these characters.

With only one subdivision you get a nice base that you can sculpt on top of. Or you can edit the base mesh so that the subdivision is even better. I did not fully model the hands, feet and head, since people usually have different techniques for modeling these parts. I used as few faces as possible.

It comes packed with the WINGS3D files and obj files for the base and a smoothed version of the base. Male and Female:

PunBB bbcode test

PunBB bbcode test
New Base Mesh(340 Polygons):
PunBB bbcode test

http://tutorialdoctor.weebly.com/upload … racter.zip

NEW BASE MESH(Hands and Feet):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/phccc6v1i6ash … seMesh.zip

FULL BASE MESH(Hands, Feet, Face)


(2 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

Neat! I can use that. Thanks


(7 replies, posted in General)

Whew. This is a tough one. I thought about making a clone of the object and going from there, but the clone still casts shadows.

The issue is that either the light is going to cast shadows or not. And if it is not casting shadows on one object, then it is not casting shadows on the other.

I don't know how the Behavior system works, perhaps that would do it? Going to follow this one.


(4 replies, posted in External Tools)

I finally found a way to get my sketchup model into Blender with textures and faces intact. It uses the OBJ EXPORTER plugin:

http://www.needformadness.com/developer … .php?t=360

You will also need the Maratis Plugin for Blender:


This is what i get:

PunBB bbcode test

Note: The sketchup plugin will show up under the PLUGINS window in sketchup.

Note: For now I have to import the obj into Blender, then export it back out as an obj from there, then back in, and back out to a Maratis MESH file (as I keep getting some tracking error), but you may not have to.


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

anael wrote:

setAnimationSpeed controls at what speed the animation is played,
so if you use setCurrentFrame to manually set the frame of the animation
the animation speed is useless (you don't want the animation to be played as you control it yourself).

ahh!! hehe

I initially had trouble also because I tried to use a while loop in the update function instead of an if conditional statement (forgot the update function automatically loops the if function in a way). doh! hehe

Thank you anael. I wish these forums were more alive. It seems you are the main person who responds to things. And while that is good, I know it can be a lot for one person.

I just found out how to get my sketchup models into blender intact and into Maratis. Now I have to get the light-mapping down for Blender, and I can set up a few more Demo levels so that people can see the possibilities of Maratis. 

Thanks again.


(2 replies, posted in Scripting)

Finally got this Health Bar script finished and neat:

box = getObject("box")
ground = getObject("ground")
bar = getObject("bar")


function onSceneUpdate()
    if isCollisionBetween(box,ground) then
        lastFrame = lastFrame - 1
    if lastFrame <= firstFrame then
        lastFrame = firstFrame

Wondering, however, how I would get the setAnimationSpeed() function to work with this. I can't quite place it. I could use a little help.


(2 replies, posted in Gossip)

Thank you!


(2 replies, posted in Gossip)

I am featuring Maratis on my homepage for a while.


This started as a personal website, but it seems it has been getting quite a bit of traffic. So I figured it would help get the word out.


(2 replies, posted in General)

anael wrote:


there was a similar attempt some time ago by the community,
maybe it's time to wake it up ? You should definitively try to contact :

AquaGate :
forum discussion http://forum.maratis3d.com/viewtopic.php?id=402
gitHub : https://github.com/nistur/AquaGate

Thanks anael. That is almost exactly what I am talking about. There just wasn't any organization to it (project manager).

I personally am trying to create a good workflow for working with Maratis. I can't quite get my Sketchup models to import correctly, and I don't know blender too well, yet. I am just modifying the SponzaFPS demo for now.

Added some sound and managed to get a static mesh into it (which is good, hehe). Also added my respawn object.

I am thinking of making a set of primitives for Maratis so that people can use them to play with lua (that should be the easy part.)

Anyhow, once I get the workflow down, I will try to contact the people from that thread. Thanks!


(2 replies, posted in General)

A little history:

I was first introduced to 3D modeling and computer programming when I found out that I could create custom content for ''The Sims 2" PC game. I could model something in a 3D software called MILKSHAPE and import it into a software named SIMPE and get my object in the game! WOW!

I discovered this on a website called MODTHESIMS. Ever since I have been into this 3d stuff. One cool thing about that modthesims website is that people would sort of collaborate to make things for the game. And all of it was free.

Some people were modelers. Some were SIMPE pros. Some could make clothes well. Some could build buildings. And all of this content was used to enhance the game.

The idea:

There is a lot that goes into making a game, and I just don't have the time nor experience to complete one. It would be neat if the community came together to collaborate on a game or games.

Or perhaps there could be a Forum section for COLLABORATIVE GAMES. We could make our own little dead lines. Share files via Dropbox, get feedback in the forums etc.

This way we could build up the community and the samples gallery, and it is a good way to get people who aspire to be game designers used to collaborating on an actual project with no real pressure.

We could have genres and everything. We could take votes on who would do what. For instance, there might be a project manager and a modeler and a rigger and a scene designer etc. There could even be people to simply give ideas.

I'd like to see this community get bigger, and this engine to be more popular.

What about it?


(2 replies, posted in Plugins)

How do you use this?


(12 replies, posted in Tutorials/Examples)

I made a tutorial on how to understand computer programming/coding.

This tutorial is for BEGINNERS.

http://snapguide.com/guides/understand- … ogramming/


(10 replies, posted in Engine)

I personally think that people shouldn't be forced to code to make a good game. If I didn't have to code a single thing, and my game turned out exactly how I wanted it to be, that would be the best game engine.

Coding should be invisible, and the EXPERIENCE should be the focus. Although I see there is a certain amount of pride a person gets from coding a software that the DRAG-N-DROPPER perhaps wouldn't. But if the result is the same....

GameMaker actually allows two different outlets. You can drag and drop OR you can code. Of course the coding gives you more ''freedom''.

However, I would love a system where a game can be made with 100% no code with the same amount of freedom.

I actually have the foundation for such a system, and it is awesome that Maratis allows me to test my ideas.

Little Big Planet and Disney Infinity have the right ideas, but they are a bit too GAMEY.

A cross between Maratis and those would be ideal to me.


(3 replies, posted in Showcase)

Haha. THANKS! I was just wondering if anyone had done this!